万花筒 2008-07-02&-07-03 药店大卖过期药!(在线收听

Our probe has uncovered an egregious pattern at two of the largest chains in our state, CVS and Rite Aid. Our investigators have purchased hundreds of expired products, and these are just some examples, over-the-counter medicines, baby formula, milk and eggs.


Drug products have expiration dates for good reason. A drug’s effectiveness can diminish over time as chemicals lose their potency. In fact, the FDA considers it so important that it advises the public to go through their medicine cabinet on a regular basis and to throw out any drugs that are past their expiration date.


We determined that CVS and Rite Aid posed more of a threat to the consumer in terms of the numbers and frequency of expired products that are on the shelves. CVS actually takes an ad saying “Expired products are not just ineffective but can be harmful as well.”


Someway some kind of surprise, because, I mean, when you mention baby food, that’s kind of like, that’s pretty bad. But yet I’m also not really surprised, because I think that in this country we really need to pay more attention to our supply chain, for food and for medicine and various other products. And that’s an area that’s been thoroughly, you know, overlooked.


There’s nothing you could do, I mean, everywhere, not only in CVS, other places. They always have expired things like with the milk and everything.


The stores looked concerned that every customer that came through the door was gonna worried about expiration date on, you know, some like obscure, you know, lotion or whatever that’s on their shelves. Then it’ll be a big deal. But if they’re not asking about it, I really don’t think these people at the stores really care.

