万花筒 2008-08-18&-08-19 孕妇有难,众人相帮(在线收听

This van came from like flying out of that street, ran her over. That's what happened.


A group of Bronx New York bystanders banded together as heroes Thursday afternoon. Some say ten some say twenty people helped lift a five-ton school bus off a pregnant woman who was pinned underneath. 33-year-old Donnette Sanz died, her son lived.


We heard the van coming down the hill with the brakes screeching, as we looked up we heard a big bang. It was doubled.


All I heard was, I have said, two noises and when I come outside, I see a lady underneath a bus, so you know we all ran near to the bus, and just tried to pick the bus up. You know, trying to get the lady from underneath the bus and after we got her from beneath the bus, we realized she was pregnant.


Sanz was walking across the street when she was struck by a van that pushed her in front of a bus. Witnesses say at least two ambulances were at the scene by the time rescuers pulled Sanz out.


She was like talking just really crying, and her head was busted, and everything was...


She was bent over in a "U" position under the school bus, like her knees were tucked to her chin, and the belly was… you couldn't even see the belly because she was bended all the way down. She was breathing heavy.


The van's 72-year-old driver was arrested on charges of criminally negligent homicide and driving without a license. Police say Walter Walker had 20 suspensions on his driver's license. Walker says he tried to avoid hitting Sanz but his brakes had gone out. Doctors eventually delivered three-pound six-ounce Sean Michael by emergency caesarean section. Sanz died shortly after her son's birth, Sean Michael is hospitalized in critical condition but hospital officials say he's healthy and showing improvement.
