万花筒 2008-09-09&09-10 利物浦的大蜘蛛(在线收听

It’s 50-foot high and can move up to 2 miles an hour. This giant spider must be many people’s worst nightmare. And it’s on the loose at Liverpool for the next three days. La Princess's built as the largest piece of street theater ever staged in the UK.


She’s been created by a French company and apparently cost 1.8 million to bring to Liverpool, part of the city’s Capital of Culture celebrations. She is made of steel and wood and operated by 12 engineers strapped to the frame. Between them, they operate her eyes, legs, and abdomen. The creators say the spider has 50 axes of movement so that its 8 legs will move as realistically as possible. But not content with letting La Princess roam the streets, the creators will also be carrying out a series of experiments on the creature, using water, fire and artificial snow.


Apparently the spider has already claimed one victim-a motorist who crashed their cars. The spider understandably distracted them.


Charlotte Fisher, ITV news

