万花筒 2008-09-21&09-22 毒奶粉事件持续延烧(在线收听

For the fifth straight day, angry parents lined up outside the headquarters of dairy company Sanlu to demand compensation after the government discovered it was using a poisonous industrial chemical in its baby formula.


"They need to resolve the problems, "said this mother whose child became sick after drinking Sanlu’s formula.


Four infants have died of kidney failure from drinking the tainted milk and China’s Health Ministry says more than 6,200 other babies have been taken ill. Many diagnosed with acute kidney failure.


The news sent thousands of parents across the country to hospitals demanding to have their children examined, putting further pressure on the government to act.


"As a parent, I don’t know what to do." said this mother waiting outside a hospital in Beijing. "I am very worried".


The government says, 22 brands of formula containing melamine normally used in plastics, but put in food products to falsely boost protein content have been taken off store shelves. But the crisis is no longer restricted to mainland China.


Officials in Hong Kong and Singapore are recalling contaminated dairy products such as milk, yogurt and ice cream made by another one of the brands implicated in the scandal.


Today, Chinese Authorities said they’ve arrested 12 people and dismissed several governmental officials for failing to deal with initial reports of tainted baby formula.


Adrienne Mong, NBC news, Beijing.

