万花筒 2009-01-05&01-06 像奥巴马一样健美(在线收听

Everyone's looking for a new year's resolution. So after those paparazzi photos, here in Hawaii I thought I’d try to figure out what it takes to be like Barack.


Meet personal trainer Mike Sapp, who worked with California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in his body-building days, and has been reading up on president elect Barack Obama's routine.


"I've got the paparazzi photo that's been seen all around the world. How do I get from here to there?"


"OK. We'll have to go."


"I mean, is there any hope?"


"There is. There is. I mean, he is in pretty good shape. So we are gonna have to, we are gonna have a workout of force."


A combo of cardio and strength training, just like the president elect, who's religious about working out 6 days a week.


"13, 14 and yah… Good job. Put that away."


I've got a long way to go. But just a couple of months ago, Governor Schwarzenegger mocked Candidate Obama's physique.


"And then I’ll be, I'm gonna go and give him some biceps curls to beef up those scrawny little arms."

The Governator has since walked that joke back and it's easy to see why. Mr Obama is clearly in better shape now than he was at the begining of the campaign. On this Hawaiian holiday, he started every single morning, except for Christmas, at the workout facility of a local marine base, dubbed Semper Fit. That can be an inspiration to millions of Americans trying to get fit.


"It's gonna kill the, you know, I Don't Have Time theory, right? I mean, so, I mean if he can make the time and he makes the commitment, then I think you know you’ll work to yourself to try to get in shape also."


"So Mike, how did I do?"


"Arnold would be proud."


"Oh, really? Not too shabby. Put new meaning into the term Fit For Office."


Ed Henry, CNN, Honolulu

