万花筒 2009-04-29&04-30 百岁的保龄球选手(在线收听

Emma Hendrickson has accomplished much in her 100 years on this earth. She has survived the two World Wars, seen 18 presidents take the White House and has become a grandmother to 18 grandchildren.
"I’m still here, ha-ha…”
Now she has added a new milestone to her life, becoming the oldest competitor in the history of the United States Bowling Congress Women’s Championships.
"I just love the game. As the saying goes: once a bowler, always a bowler.”
A pretty good bowler, too, with an average of 120——she still rolls a higher score than her age. This is her 50th consecutive appearance in this tournament, and you can find her at the lanes back home in New Jersey twice a week.
“I think her secret is that she’s always just active. Whether it’s just walking or bowling, and as long as I can remember, she’s always been bowling.”
And she’s going to continue. Though her eyesight has deteriorated a bit, she's also signed up to bring her 10.5-pound ball to El Paso, Texas for next year’s tournament, where she plans to knock them down again.
"That’ll work.”
"Go, go, go, go!”
"I’m liking it.”
