万花筒 2009-07-19&07-20 背背山企鹅分手了(在线收听

The San Francisco zoo has the largest collection of Magellanic penguins this side of the Equator. More than 50 of them live here at the penguin island. But the most famous were Harry and Pepper. The two male penguins were a couple for more than 6 years. The zoo even gave them an egg to take care of. That egg hatched and the two raised the chick like any opposite sex couple would. They would preen each other's feathers and lounge around in the burrow they shared, but all of that changed last breeding season. The relationship that the two had shared, it seemed, was over. It was clear that Harry and Pepper had broken up when Harry moved out of the burrow that he shared with Pepper, and moved in next door with Linda. Linda was together for years with her mate, Fig, but Fig died, Linda was available and Harry switched sides. That’s Harry and Linda lounging together. Soon after Harry moved in, Linda laid two eggs, and the new power couple on Penguin Island were now a family. Pepper was alone and dealing with his bachelor existence, but, was it really over between him and Harry? Was Harry really with Linda now? One afternoon Pepper got his answer.


“Unfortunately, Pepper, he was probably just kinda of exploring burrows and checking out where his ex-mate had been, but we were seeing some aggression from the pair towards him.”


Pepper got the message and now it seems that Harry and Linda are happy together, eating fish and laying on the rocks at Penguin Island. Meanwhile Pepper still lives next-door, and it seems to be adjusting fine. These days Pepper is just playing the field and swimming around.

