万花筒 2009-10-25&10-26 “热气球男孩”纯属骗局(在线收听

"Getting this child down is the biggest concern."

The story which elevated its cast members into the limelight.

"This setting is really mouldering along."

"Aready it dropped."

A two-part saga which has slowly deflated or unraveled for the Heene family. The father of six-year-old, Falcon Heene, has denied claims that the incident watched by audiences live across the world was a hoax. Authorities at first claim Falcon's parent show genuine distress as emergency services sprang into action. Their efforts to rescue the family sky-bound contraption in which they thought Falcon was trapped cost an estimated 50,000 dollars. After further questioning, Larimer County Sheriff forced to admit something was amiss and that criminal charges were likely. And now court documents made public in America reveal Falcon's mother Mayumi admits a hoax. Documents publish by a newspaper website The Coloradoan stating that their motive was to make the family more marketable for media interest. The interest, so far, apart from the family's previous television appearances on reality TV shows like "Wife Swap", has seen them all toying under the spotlight, but it seems not all publicity is good publicity. Mayumi and her husband Richard could face charges of conspiracy, lying to authorities and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. The charges could result in a six-year prison sentence and hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines.

"A hundred feet, guys, a hundred feet..."

Proved positive that what goes up must come down.
