万花筒 2010-01-17&01-18 过度看电视,提防心脏病(在线收听

Can watching too much TV kill you? There is a new study that suggest while too much too time may not necessarily be fatal.It can,at the very least,be hazardous to your health.Researchers in Australia found that people who watched more than four hours at television a day had an 80% increase risk of death from heart disease and 46% higher risk of premature death from all causes than people who watched two hours or less.The TV reading company Nelson says the average American spends four and three quarters hours a day in front of a set.The Australian scientists who spend six years tracking the life styles of 8800 adults,say that while watching TV is the most sedentary activity occurring in the home.Anything that requires sitting for long stretches like looking at a computer can be unhealthy.The study's lead researcher says the human body was designed to move not sit for a extended periods of time.His advice move more and more often.


For today's Healthy Minute.I'm Christ Paul
