万花筒 2010-02-14&02-15 温哥华冬奥会开幕(在线收听

Fireworks marked the beginning of the Vancouver Olympics on Friday with a large display that could be seen across the city. They were launched as the Olympic show went on with grief and a closing glitch. The climax called for the cauldron to be lit by four Canadian sports heroes, all-time hockey Wayne Gretzky, skier Nancy Greene, basketball all-star Steve Nash and LeMay Doan. But one huge piece of the set failed to rise from the stadium floor, and left one of the four final torchbearers, speed-skater Catriona LeMay Doan unable to use her torch. The winter game's opening ceremony unfolded in a mostly jubilant atmosphere with more than 60,000 people packed in for the B.C. Place Stadium for the evening extravaganza. But the show came only hours after Georgian luger Nodar Kumaritashvili was killed in a horrific training run crash in Whistler and the ceremonies were dedicated to the athlete.
