
    转让业务我公司在伦敦的业务, 已卖给W.公司, 该公司决定于5月1日开始接管。
    We have sold the business hitherto carried on in London, to Messrs. W., who will take over the business from the 1st May.
    我公司已购买了B.公司的业务, 并订于5月1日接管。
    We have purchased the business of Messrs. B. & Co., and shall take over the same from the 1st May.
    下列签名人对该公司负一切责任, 未来该公司业务和财务, 均由其承担。
    the undersigned wil assume all the responsibilities of the said firm and will in future conduct the business on his own account and in his own name.
    谨告知P.处的居民, 原由W.先生所经营的罐头、酒等杂货食品及食油业务, 已由R.先生继承。
    R. respectfully informs the inhabitants of P. that he has succeeded to the grocery and oil business formerly conducted by Mr. W.
    迁址兹定于2月1日迁到更方便的纽约市第5街7号新址办公, 特此通告。
    We inform you that we shall on the first February remove to a more convenient office at 7 5th Ave., New York.
    我已经迁到永乐街1丁目10番地, 今后联络, 请用新址, 特此通知。
    I inform you that I have this day removed to 10, Itchome, Yurakucho, where all communications should in future be addressed.
    我公司已迁到上述更方便的地址, 特此告知。
    I inform you that I have removed to more convenient premises, situated at the above address.
    我公司最近已迁到上述地址, 特此通告。
    Please take note that we have recently removed to the above address.
    I inform you that I have been appointed the Sole Agent in Tokyo for: The Goodrich Rubber Co., New York City.
    我公司已请东京原公司为代理店, 关于我司的产品目录, 请径向该公司索取。
    We advise you that we have made Messrs. Hara & Co., Tokyo, our representatives, who hold at your disposal our catalogue.
    我公司已与经营茶叶有20年经验的服部春雄先生订立了协定, 聘请他为我公司的代表接洽业务, 特此奉告。
    We have much pleasure in informing you that we have entered into arrangement with Mr. H.Hattori, who has twenty years' experience in tea trade, to act as our representative.
    不论任何要求或其他条件, 只要委任或推荐本人为代理人, 必能迅速有效的完成所赋任务。
    I wish to proffer you my services, with the assurance that whatever claims and others you may be pleased to confide and recommend to my agency, shall be promptly and efficiently attended to.
