委托销售 商品寄售(在线收听

    商品寄售贵公司寄售之30箱纺织品已安然抵达。廉价品的销路相当良好, 且目前价格稳定。因此,我相信能向贵公司提出满意的销售报告书。
    Your consignment of 30c/s textiles arrived in good condition. Cheap goods have a ready sale, and prices remain firm for the present. We shall be able to give you a good account sales.
    谨送上寄售发票, 而发票上所列绝缘油, 将于11月15日由火车运出。
    We are sending this consignment fo our Insulating Oil to you as in the Consignment Invoice herewith by the freight train on the 15th Nov.
    我们已决定寄出纸张, 请贵公司试销。如果这次试销结果令人满意, 我们将考虑大量委托。
    We have decided to send you a trial consignment of the paper, and, if this turns out satisfactory, we shall consider the question of a larger consignment.
    据本公司客户告知, 贵公司对此项生意有很好的关系, 并且从我国大量进口。因此我们按照他们的推荐, 准备将该商品寄给贵公司, 请代为试销。
    Our friends inform us that you have good connection in this trade, and that you import largely from this country, and acting entirely upon their advice, we are sending you a consignment as a trial.
    从本公司客户, 本市的White公司获悉, 贵公司实力雄厚, 资信可靠。因此, 我们接受他们的建议, 已将500包砂糖装上"Alps"号货轮, 运往你处代销, 恳请贵公司尽力以高价格出售。
    Our friends, Messrs. White & Co., of this city, have given us your name as a firm of good standing and reliability, and we have, therefor, upon their suggestion, shipped to you a consignment of 500 bales Sugar per m.s. "Alps", sailing on the 15th Oct., which we would ask you to kindly sell to the best advantage.
