委托销售 接受寄售(在线收听

    接受寄售我们经营纺织品已达二十年之久, 对市场十分熟悉, 我们能为贵公司产品找到销路。
    Since we have been engaged in the textiles business for the past 20 years, we are quite familiar with the places where we can find an outlet for the goods you export.
    贵公司6月6日函已收悉, 关于委托销售棉纱一事, 本公司愿按照贵公司的吩咐, 尽力而为。特此致谢。
    We thank you for your letter of the 6th June, containing proposals for consignment business in cotton yarns, and we shall be pleased to act for you in this matter in the way maned.
    贵公司8月10日函已收悉, 该函所述的寄售样本也已收到。
    We received your favour of the 10th August, by which you advised the forwarding of samples of consignments, which we have also received.
    3月6日函已收悉, 得知贵公司已将寄售品装"夏威夷号"货轮发运。待收到该货后, 我们一定尽全力将其介绍给当地的全部客户。
    We are favoured by your letter dated 6th March, advising the despatch of a consignment by m.s. "Hawaii Maru", and upon the arrival of the goods, we will use our best endeavours to bring them under the notice of the trade here in general.
    只要适合本地市场需求, 贵公司委托的任何商品, 我们都愿意接受。
    We should be pleased to take care of any consignments of goods suitable for this market which you may be disposed to send us.
