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  • 英文流行歌曲:Tobias Regner - burn the white flag

    Tobias Regner - burn the white flag I could say I feel alright I could say I'm sleeping through the night I could say I haven't thought about you About you You have always had a way Of seeing throught the crazy things I've said Like I can be better o...

  • 英文好歌推荐:Melee - Sleeping Through Autumn

    之前推荐过Melee的一首歌曲:The War 。今天的这首Sleeping Through Autumn旋律很好听,歌词很老套,I'll hold your hand through the pain , I know you cry sometimes ...... 一起来听。 Melee - Sleeping Through Autumn She was...

  • 英文歌曲:澄澈动听 史逸欣 - The Tower

    Vienna Teng - 史逸欣,一个来自美国旧金山的华裔女创作人,以她澄澈古典的美声与丰富温柔的钢琴创作,获得美国媒体乐评如AMG网站、娱乐周刊、华盛顿邮报等的大力赞赏。2002年个人首张专辑...

  • 英文好歌推荐:闪马乐队 - Sad & Beautiful World

    有时你会发觉听 Sparklehorse的音乐就如同在欣赏一幅印象派绘画,它们看上去似乎是对平凡琐事的描绘,但却十分情绪化,悦耳的曲调后面藏着一丝不易察觉的感伤,有些实验噪音中则包含了一...

  • 英文电音歌曲:光头大叔的旅馆 - Slipping Away

    【电音】光头大叔的旅馆 - Slipping Away Open to everything happy and sad Seeing the good when it's all going bad Seeing the sun when I can't really see Hoping the sun will at least look at me Focus on everything better today All that I need...

  • 英文流行歌曲:Sowelu - Moon On The Water

    Sowelu - Moon On The Water Full moon sways Gently in the night of one fine day On my way Looking for a moment with my dear Full moon waves Slowly on the surface of the lake You were there Smiling in my arms for all those years What a fool I don't kno...

  • 英文好歌推荐:Joseph Arthur - Honey and the Moon

    Honey and the Moon - (Joseph Arthur) Don't know why I'm still afraid If you weren't real I would make you up now I wish that I could follow through I know that your love is true And deep As the sea But right now Everything you want is wrong, And righ...

  • 英文流行歌曲:飞翔的翅膀 Mindy Smith - Jolene

    Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene I'm begging of you, please don't take my man Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene Please don't take him just because you can Your beauty is beyond compare With flaming locks of auburn hair With ivory skin and eyes of emerald...

  • 英文流行歌曲:上帝在身旁 - Joan Osbourne

    英文歌曲:上帝在身旁 - Joan Osbourne If God had a name, what would it be And would you call it to his face If you were faced with him in all his glory What would you ask if you had just one question And yeah yeah God is great yeah yeah God...

  • 英文好歌推荐:生活多姿彩(清新男巫Jason Mraz - Life Is Wonderful)

    英文好歌:生活多姿彩(清新男巫Jason Mraz - Life Is Wonderful) it takes a crane to build a crane; it takes two floors to make a story; it takes ann egg to make a hen; it tekes a hen to make an egg; there is no end to what i'm saying;...

  • 英语歌曲:相约彩虹下 Norah Jones - Somewhere Over The Rainbow

    Norah Jones出生于音乐世家,父亲是著名的印度席塔琴演奏家Ravi Shankar。在达拉斯的Booker T. Washington高中,学习钢琴和表演的时候,她沉醉到了爵士乐中,结束了在北德克萨斯的两年大学生活以后...

  • 英语歌曲:Cold (But I'm Still Here) - Evans Blue

    Cold (But I'm Still Here) - Evans Blue Hello, I'm your martyr, will you be my gangster can you feel my trigger hand, moving further down your neck when you hide, hide inside that body but just remember that when I touch you the more you shake, the mo...

  • 诺基亚广告歌曲:Shakira - Underneath you clothes

    一曲Shakira动心心腑的《Underneath Your Clothes》加上这个憨憨帅哥用Nokia拍照拼成的求婚宣言Will You Marry Me,不仅感动了雨夜中孤单寂寞的女孩,也感动了广告观赏者。 Underneath Your Clothes 你的真心...

  • 英语歌曲:Eva Cassidy - What a wonderful world 固守在这里,即使体无完肤

    Eva Cassidy - What a wonderful world (Thank you...so very much! I would like... on behalf of all the dancers, the musicians, the singers, the technicians... people you didn't even see during the show tonight, who are part of this amazing family! I wa...

  • 英语流行歌曲:Ryan Cabrera - True 什么都不要紧,只要你是真的

    被媒体喻为2005年西洋歌坛最杀金发少年的Ryan Cabrera,在长久的等待下,终于在台推出首张大碟《Take It All Away》,这位被滚石杂志选为最受注目艺人的优质创作歌手,顶着阳光般灿烂笑容、金黄...
