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  • 二战启示录 第85期:罪魁伏诛(2)

    In Italy several months later, the Wehrmacht is still holding the Gustav line and Mountain Casino 在意大利,数个月后,德军仍坚守古斯塔防线以及卡西诺山 The French Genernal Juan proposes to suprise the Germans 法国朱安将军...

  • 二战启示录 第84期:罪魁伏诛

    The Allies have landed in Italy which is occupied by the Germans 盟军登陆意大利,这里仍被德国占领 In the advance towards the north while Mussolini is still in control 在挺进仍由墨索里尼掌控的北部时 The American, British...

  • 二战启示录 第83期:盟军反攻(15)

    All Hitler can do is try to hold back the advancing Allies 希特勒能做的只有奋力阻止盟军前进 But he is unable to prevent the fall of Mussolini 但他无法预防墨索里尼垮台 which leads Italy to surrender and to change sides 进而...

  • 二战启示录 第82期:盟军反攻(14)

    Von Manstein wants reinforcement in order to continue his offensive 冯曼斯坦需要援军来继续进攻 He is waiting for Hitler 他在等希特勒 He immeadiately tells him 他立即告诉希特勒 We have suffered losses but the Russians have t...

  • 二战启示录 第81期:盟军反攻(13)

    The Germans outfit this veritable foreign liege of there with best equipment 德军提供这个外籍军团最佳装备 such as the Tiger Tank designed by the brilliant engineer Ferdinand Porsche with its 88 milimeter gun 例如优秀工程师费迪南...

  • 二战启示录 第80期:盟军反攻(12)

    In fact his physician doctor Morell has concocted cocaine eye drops for him 其实他的医师,莫瑞医师为他调配了古柯硷眼药水 Morell is filmed here on the 20th of April 1943 1943年4月20日拍摄的影片中 with the secretary and c...

  • 二战启示录 第79期:盟军反攻(11)

    The Africa Corps has been captured 非洲军团被俘 and now is marching in long lines towards American fleet ships to be taken away to the other side of Atlantic 并排成冗长队伍走向美国海军船舰,他们将被带到大西洋的另一边...

  • 二战启示录 第78期:盟军反攻(10)

    Behind the walls of the Warsaw Ghetto 在华沙犹太区的高墙后 the Germans are confronted by a Jewish uprising 德军碰上一场犹太人起义 Before the war this area of Warsaw was a lively open district 战前的华沙犹太区是朝气蓬勃...

  • 二战启示录 第77期:盟军反攻(9)

    We can only image how the people in the occupied countries master felt 我们只能想象占领国的人民该是什么心境 After the German defeated the Stalingrad hope is revived 德军在斯大林格勒战败后,人们重拾希望 The German n...

  • 二战启示录 第76期:盟军反攻(8)

    Then at the closing conference 接着在会议闭幕的记者会上 Roosevelt and Churchill make a declaration of the utmost importance 罗斯福和邱吉尔做了一个最重要的宣告 with great vehemence they pronounce the words that will hence...
