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  • 俄罗斯兴奋剂丑闻告密者电邮被攻击 或受到威胁

    Russian whistleblower Yulia Stepanova's electronic account at the World Anti-Doping Agency has been illegally accessed, WADA said last Saturday. 世界反兴奋剂机构上周六宣布,俄罗斯兴奋剂丑闻举报人尤利娅斯特帕诺娃在该机...

  • 俄罗斯指控苹果公司对iPhone串谋定价

    Russia has accused American technology giant Apple Inc. of allegedly fixing retail prices of its iPhones in the country. 俄罗斯日前指控美国科技巨头苹果公司在该国市场销售iPhone产品期间串谋定价。 Russia's Federal Anti-m...

  • 俄罗斯军机在叙利亚被击落 5人遇难

    MOSCOW A Russian military transport helicopter was shot down Monday in the Syrian province of Idlib, killing the three crew members and two officers on board in the deadliest episode for the Russian military since it intervened in the country, Russia...

  • 希特勒如何造就了俄罗斯这个超级强国

    After suffering more than twenty million military and civilian deaths in World War II Russia has little cause to thank Hitler. 在二战中遭受超过二千万军民死亡的俄罗斯没有任何理由感谢希特勒。 But with Wednesday June 22 ma...

  • 俄罗斯女孩13年不剪头发:长发公主吸粉10万

    A regular trim or treatment at the hairdresser is part of the beauty regime of women the world over. 在理发店做定期修剪或护理是全世界女子美容体系的一部分。 But for the past 13 years, one woman has decided to forego the salo...

  • 俄罗斯“普京咖啡馆”把奥巴马头像印在厕纸上

    The opening of a cafe devoted to Russian President Vladimir Putin has raised eyebrows over its use of Western leaders' images in the toilets. 一家以俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔?普京为主题的咖啡馆近日开业,其厕所内挂着的西方国...

  • 俄罗斯矿工摄影师最心水的模特竟然是它

    Russian miner Ivan Kislov sure knows how to make use of his work breaks. While working in Chukotka, Russias most north-eastern region, he takes some of the cutest photos of foxes to be published on the Internet. 俄罗斯矿工伊凡基斯洛夫一直都...

  • 俄战机遇难飞行员遗体被土耳其返还俄罗斯

    Turkey on Monday sent back to Russia the body of a pilot killed when his plane was shot down by the Turkish air force for allegedly violating its air space on the Syrian border, reports said. 据报道称,土耳其于本周一将遇难的飞行员尸...

  • 俄罗斯确认恐怖袭击导致空难

    The head of Russia's Federal Security Service Alexander Bortnikov revealed that the plane crash was the result of a terrorist attack, and that explosives were used to orchestrate it. According to our experts, a homemade explosive device equivalent to...

  • 俄罗斯武校教你“自拍杆搏击术”

    Russians who use selfie sticks to take photographs of themselves are being offered a self-defence course in case they are mugged, it's been reported. 据报道,俄罗斯向自拍杆用户推出自卫课程,防止他们自拍时遭劫。 The act o...
