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  • 经典双语笑话 第49期:谁在放屁

    Okay, Who Cut the Cheesee? 谁在放屁? A young man was visiting his girlfriend's parents for the first time. 有位年轻人第一次去拜访女朋友的父母亲。 He had been quite nervous about it, 他好紧张, and his nervousness was manif...

  • 经典双语笑话 第48期:爬得越高跌得越重

    The Bigger They Are the Harder They Fail 爬得越跌得越重 The psychiatrist was a bit perturbed. 一位心理医师感到有些厌烦。 He had cured his patient of his delusions but still the man did not seem happy. 他已治好一名病人的幻想...

  • 经典双语笑话 第47期:你真是有问题了

    You Do Have a Problem 你真是有问题了! A man reported to his doctor that he was having trouble going to the bathroom. 一位老兄对医生说明他上厕所有困难。 Do you urinate in the morning? asked the doctor. 你早上有小便吗?,医...

  • 经典双语笑话 第46期:还是家里好

    Home Sweet Home 还是家里好 A surgeon returned from a safari in Africa. 一位外科医生刚从非洲狩猎回来。 How did it go? asked his colleagues. 这次打猎顺利吗?同僚问道。 Oh , it was very disappointing, replied the surgeon. 喔...

  • 经典双语笑话 第45期:头脑要保持冷静

    Keep Your Head 头脑要保持冷静! A young man was working in the produce section of a grocery store when a customer asked him for half a head of cabbage. 有一个年轻人在一家杂货店的农产部门工作,一天一位顾客要向他买半颗...

  • 经典双语笑话 第44期:把裤脚塞到你的靴子里面去

    And Stuff the Cuffs in Your Boots 把裤脚塞到你的靴子里面去 The untried general faced battle the next day, and was more than a little frightened. 一位未曾有过作战经验的将军非常惶恐,因为第二天将有个战役要面对。...

  • 经典双语笑话 第43期:临时改变主意

    Change of Plan 临时改变主意 Frank and Fred had received their draft notices on the same day, and neither wanted to enter the army. 法兰克和佛烈德两人同一天收到召集令,两人都不想去服兵役。 But Frank had heard that the...

  • 经典双语笑话 第42期:完美的解决之道

    The Perfect Solution 完美解决之道 President Shrub was flying over the U. S. with his staff. 史拉伯总统和他的幕僚正搭机横越美国上空。 Suddenly he got a brilliant inspiration: 忽然间他心中突发奇想, You know, I thin...

  • 经典双语笑话 第41期:能不能多支持我

    Can't You Be Little More Supportive? 你能不能多支持我一点? The delighted young politician called his mother and reported enthusiastically, 一位年轻的政客打电话给他母亲,高兴地说道: Hey, Mom, I just won the election! 嘿,...

  • 经典双语笑话 第40期:专注于工作

    Getting into His Work 专注于工作 The priest was so concerned with the welfare of his pretty young parishioner that he invited her to his private quarters to discuss her confession. 一位神父非常关切教区内一位年轻美丽的教友幸福...
