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  • 二战启示录 第18期:希特勒霸权的崛起(18)

    They all make the long trip to France. 他们全都将长途跋涉到法国。 The legion has embarked at Brest, along with the well-equipped Chasseurs Alpins a mountain corps, trained for action in snow. 装备精良的阿尔卑斯猎骑兵团和外籍...

  • 二战启示录 第17期:希特勒霸权的崛起(17)

    France is producing three hundred tanks a month. 法国一个月制造三百辆坦克。 But they are being disbursed into all the sections to back up the infantry. 但它们散布各区以支援步兵部队。 French aviation has also fallen behind....

  • 二战启示录 第16期:希特勒霸权的崛起(16)

    As in the last war, the soldiers dig in and try to make the best of things. 如同上一次大战,士兵挖掘防御工事,并充分利用一切。 The French soldier, Jastone Schiller, writes to his wife. 法国士兵席黑克写给妻子。 It'...

  • 二战启示录 第15期:希特勒霸权的崛起(15)

    He tells his generals:My decision is irrevocable. 他告诉他的将军:我的决定不可改变。 I will attack France when the time is right. I will be victorious or die in the attempt. 时机到了我就会攻击法国。不成功便成仁。 Y...

  • 二战启示录 第14期:希特勒霸权的崛起(14)

    All the major cities of Poland will have their ghetto prisons where German, Austrian and Czech Jews will also be interned. 波兰所有主要城市都将设立犹太隔离区,同时也囚禁德国、奥地利和捷克的犹太人。 The Jews here s...

  • 二战启示录 第13期:希特勒霸权的崛起(13)

    After the war, he will be tried in Nuremberg and hanged for crimes against humanity. 战后他将在纽伦堡受审,并因违反人道罪处以绞刑。 These gipsies held in a pen are filmed by a German. 一名德国人拍摄了这些被关在围栏...

  • 二战启示录 第12期:希特勒霸权的崛起(12)

    As previously agreed with Hitler, the Soviet has invaded the eastern half of Poland. 如同之前和希特勒协议好的,苏联入侵波兰东半部。 Here the soldiers are fraternising an incongruous sight to say the least. 德国和苏联士兵在...

  • 二战启示录 第11期:希特勒霸权的崛起(11)

    The Fuhrer wants to strike terror into the hearts and minds not only of the Pols but of the French and the British as well. 希特勒不只要让波兰人,还要让英、法国人也心生恐惧。 This's what is in store for you. The world is horr...

  • 二战启示录 第10期:希特勒霸权的崛起(10)

    These northern part of front is maned by a French army and a British expeditionary forces later reinforced by Canadians and troops from the far from British Empire. 法国军队和英国远征军控制防线北部区域。后来由来自遥远英国的...

  • 二战启示录 第9期:希特勒霸权的崛起(9)

    The Saar offensive stops there, and generates into a series of skirmishes raised by elite commandos led by the hero Joseph Darnard 进攻行动停在萨尔,并缩减成精英游击队进行的一连串小规模战斗和突袭。这是由乔瑟头达农...
