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  • 商业周刊:为无家可归者寻找安睡之地(2)

    The $5 million, 50-employee pilot effort kicked off in August, seeking to assess more than 2,000 people in 90 days. 这项试点工作从8月开始进行,投入资金500万美元,共有50名员工参与运行,该工作旨在用90天的时间对...

  • 商业周刊:为无家可归者寻找安睡之地(1)

    An App Tries to Find Beds for The Homeless 为无家可归者寻找安睡之地的应用 The epicenter of innovation is turning to software to help the most vulnerable get off the streets 创新之地美国正在研发软件,帮助无家可归者告别...

  • 商业周刊:脸书真的在泄露公众隐私吗?(3)

    As the company updates and polices its own privacy rules, it runs afoul of others'. On Jan. 29 Facebook admitted to paying teens to monitor their phone activity. 随着脸书更新和监管自己的隐私规定,它也与其他公司发生了冲突。...

  • 商业周刊:脸书真的在泄露公众隐私吗?(2)

    A current plan involves merging the background messaging functions of the other apps it owns (Instagram, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger) so people can send chats among services. 脸书当前的计划涉及合并其拥有的其他应用(Instagram,...

  • 商业周刊:脸书真的在泄露公众隐私吗?(1)

    Facebook's Real Privacy Problem Is Facebook 脸书真正的隐私问题源自脸书自己 Recent scandals show that limiting ad partners' access to your data isn't enough to protect it 近期发生的各种丑闻表明,限制广告合作伙伴对数据...

  • 商业周刊:工会组织力量虚弱, 雇员自发组织罢工(5)

    Unions continue to make the case for their relevanceand have been reinvigorated by all the nontraditional labor activism. 工会继续为自身争取权益,并经由所有非传统劳工活跃主义者的助力而重振活力。 At least 18 states...

  • 商业周刊:工会组织力量虚弱, 雇员自发组织罢工(4)

    Beyond the growing number of union alternatives, demonstrations by employees are part of a rise in political activity overall. 除参与工会活动外衍生出的越来越多的其它途径,员工发起的示威运动也是政治活动激增的表现...

  • 商业周刊:工会组织力量虚弱, 雇员自发组织罢工(3)

    The internet allows individual workers to go public with experiences that trigger public outcry. 互联网使员工个人可以将引发公众谴责的经历公之于众。 The results can be swift and, often, far more severe than they might be for c...

  • 商业周刊:工会组织力量虚弱, 雇员自发组织罢工(2)

    Kochan and his colleagues put the question to almost 4,000 workers in 2017. 科尚和同事们在2017年向近4000名员工调查有关加入工会的问题。 The results: Almost 2 out of 3 said they had less of a voice than they felt they deserved,...

  • 商业周刊:工会组织力量虚弱, 雇员自发组织罢工(1)

    Traditional unions may be stymied,but workers and activists are finding new ways to organize By Janet Paskin 传统工会组织的力量也许受到阻碍,但雇员和积极分子们正在寻求新途径组织罢工 珍妮特帕斯金报道 Accordi...
