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  • 囧研究:11为啥英文不叫ONETEEN?

    English number words are pretty logical after a point. From twenty-one to ninety-nine, the same principle applies: the tens place followed by the units place. But the teens are different. 英文数字从某个数开始就相当符合逻辑。从21到...

  • 囧研究:灵魂伴侣真的存在吗?

    According to New Oxford American, a soulmate is just a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner. By that meaning, soulmates obviously exist . But a soulmate, in the more metaphysical sense of the term, has a deeper, more...

  • 囧研究:恋上自己 是祸是福?

    This is a gripping and sometimes terrifying book that will make you look anew at yourspouse, your parents, your children, your friends, your enemies, your fellow workers and - perhaps most pertinently - your reflection in the mirror. 这是本扣人心...

  • 囧研究:懒人福音!不叠被子更有益健康

    世界上有两种人:一种是每天确保床铺整洁有序的人;另一种就是床上一团糟的人。如果你属于后者,那我有好消息告诉你:床铺乱糟糟的也许有助于身体健康哦! The research was conducted by a team...

  • 囧研究:为啥男人都喜欢瘦子美女?(双语)

    Men find thinner women attractive because they associate their body shape with youth, fertility and a lower risk of disease. 男人们总觉得纤瘦的女性迷人,这是因为男性把体型和年轻、生育能力还有患病风险低联系在一起...

  • 囧研究:为什么青春期的友谊总难以延续?

    Can you remember who your best friend was in seventh grade? If you are having difficulty, it could be because relationships at that age are often short-lived. Half don't last a year. The friendships that do last can be predicted based on demographic...

  • 囧研究:中国人发现石头剪刀布致胜绝招!

    The question of how to win at rock-paper-scissors has, believe it or not, plagued mathematicians and game theorists for some time. While they previously had devised a theoretical answer to the question, an experiment by Zhijian Wang at Zhejiang Unive...

  • 囧研究:高颜值男性在职场遭冷遇?

    Ladies, if you thought it was just women who are judged on their looks at work, think again. It seems men have it far worse. Researchers say handsome men are less likely to get their dream job. 女士们,你们要是认为只有女性在职场会被评...

  • 囧研究:冬季减肥So easy 少穿点冻着啊!

    Being cold helps you lose weight, a new study found. 一项新研究发现,寒冷的感觉有助于减肥。 Exercise or being exposed to low temperatures creates more 'good' brown and beige types of body fat which burns calories in the body. 体育锻...

  • 囧研究:性格不讨喜,反而易成功?

    世人皆知乔布斯创造了世界上最为成功的公司之一,同样为人熟知的是他喜欢咒骂员工。然而, 最新一项研究称高傲自大、坚决主张的性格帮他走向了成功。 Researchers from Pen States College of Li...
