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  • 《复仇》 第108期:冷血的杀手

    Oh, finally. 总算开门了 There's something wrong with my key. 我钥匙出了毛病 I had the locks changed. 是我换了锁 If you want something, I'll have it sent to the hotel. 你需要什么 我会派人送到你酒店去的 Victoria... stop...

  • 《复仇》 第107期:和诺兰玩过家家

    And I thought I wore a lot of pastel. 我还以为我打扮得够花里胡哨了呢 As long as their money's green, it's fine by me. I, uh... 只要他们肯砸钱 我无所谓 我 I heard you stopped by my place. 我听说你去了我家 Yeah, Decla...

  • 《复仇》 第106期:母子反目

    It was a misunderstanding. 你误会我了 I merely answered the questions, 我只是回答警察的提问 and they followed up. 他们是跟进线索 Nobody believes that Emily murdered Frank. 没人会相信艾米莉杀了弗兰克 It's ridiculous....

  • 《复仇》 第80期:将功赎罪

    Your friend is a bit of a miracle. 你的朋友能活下来真是个奇迹 I've seen people fall 10 feet and not make it. 有些人从三米高的地方摔下来就没命了 What's the prognosis? 诊断结果怎么说 Well, her vitals are strong 她的...

  • 《复仇》 第79期:追求名花有主的姑娘

    I'll never eat oysters again. 我不要再吃牡蛎了 Hey, sorry. That's how we do it on the docks. 抱歉 我们在码头上都这么做事 Trying to single-handedly restart the economy? 你这是想单枪匹马挽救全球经济吗 Ah, I find shop...

  • 《复仇》 第78期:对这段感情是认真的

    And funnily enough, I'm actually enjoying it. 说来也怪 我乐在其中 Bartending? Really? 酒吧招待 真的吗 Yeah, it's been really humbling. 是的 说来很惭愧 The family that owns the Stowaway 经营偷渡者酒吧的那家人 have pou...

  • 《复仇》 第77期:恨得咬牙切齿

    Hey, bud. 兄弟 Well, look what the cat dragged in. 看看你都招惹了什么好事 Your mother is ready to kill you. 你妈对你恨得咬牙切齿 She's not alone, by the way. 而且不止她一个人生气 I know. I know. I got this stupid inte...

  • 《复仇》 第76期:和亚当分手了

    So which parent spoils you the most? 爸爸妈妈谁更宠你 Easy. My dad. 简单 爸爸 That's an understatement. 说宠都太轻描淡写了 And what about your brother? 你的哥哥呢 Is there any sibling rivalry there? 有没有兄妹之间的竞...

  • 《复仇》 第75期:爱上丹尼尔

    Hello. 你好 May I see some identification? 请出示你的身份证明吗 It's okay, big Ed. 没关系 埃德 She's just a former friend. 她只是个过去的朋友 Oh, you can take five, 你可以去休息下 just don't go too far. 但别走太远...

  • 《复仇》 第74期:永世不得超生

    But the heart has its reasons, 然而人心是无法控制的 of which reason cannot know. 也是无法读懂的 Victoria, I know you're there. 维多利亚 我知道你在 Look, I know you're frightened, but you shouldn't be, 我知道你吓坏了 可...
