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  • 好莱坞电影口语模仿秀:《女人香》Restaurants

    Restaurants, Supermarkets and Schools 餐厅、超市和学校 [这是一些特定的地点,餐厅是我们每个人都熟悉的地方,点菜买单的程序我们都经历过;学校教育更不必说,老师们说的话我们仍犹如在耳。下面的五段对话是本书最后的一节,让大家听听特定环境下所发生的对话以及...

  • 好莱坞电影口语模仿秀:《女人香》Telephones

    Telephones 电话 [电话的开始和结束用语在对待不同的对象时都会有所改变,但大致都差不多。听别人打电话打得多了,自己打得多了,也就掌握了。其中的一些细节词汇和表达都能随口而来。以下的电话对话有朋友间的,有母女间和家人之间的。大家可以听到怎么问好以及如何请...

  • 好莱坞电影口语模仿秀:《女人香》College Student Meeting Employer

    College Student Meeting Employer 大学生初识雇主 选自电影:Scent of a Woman 《女人香》 ■大学生查理找了份兼职的工作,他应约来到雇主的住处,由于是第一次面试,见一位严肃的陌生人弗兰克上校,他拘谨得很,语无伦次,而上校却语气霸道,术语连篇。 单词通缉令 1...

  • 好莱坞电影口语模仿秀:《女人香》Colonel Meeting Young Girl

    Strangers 陌生人 [以下一节的对话选自三部现代电影,对话发生在陌生人之间,有问候,有请求,也有初相识时的客套和含蓄,更有对陌生人的毫不客气。其中的一些表达和句子或幽默或智慧,实在是难得一见。] NO.1 Colonel Meeting Young Girl 上校初识女孩 选自电影:Scen...

  • 好莱坞电影口语模仿秀:《女人香》It's Going to Make You Proud One Day

    It's Going to Make You Proud One Day 有一天你会为此骄傲 选自:Scent of a Woman《女人香》 ■和人争辩常常觉得自己的语言缺乏力量,总想用最强有力的音量和言语来战胜对方,更何况在一个众目睽睽的场合下。这一段戏发生在大学礼堂里,上校落地有声的话语让听者有种...

  • 女人香美丽英文人生幸福29篇[29]

    Love is a power which produces love Love is an activity, not a passive affect; it is a standing in, not a falling for. In the most general way, the active character of love can be described by stating that love is primarily giving, not receiving. The...

  • 女人香美丽英文人生幸福29篇[28]

    Feeling Loved Feeling loved and knowing that you are worthy of love are necessary to creating or maintaining any relationship . Lance and Rebecca were already married with a son when Lance enrolled in law school . Three years later Lance was the only...

  • 女人香美丽英文人生幸福29篇[27]

    Life Is Only a Test One of my favorite posters says, Life is a test. It is only a test. Had this been a real life you would have been instructed where to go and what to do. Whenever I think of this humorous bit of wisdom, it reminds me to not take my...
