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  • 美国现行20条蠢哭的法律:狗追人犯法?!

    Alabama: Bear wrestling matches are prohibited. 阿拉巴马州:禁止黑熊摔跤比赛。 Alaska: In Juneau, Flamingo owners are prohibited from bringing their pet into a Barber Shop. 阿拉斯加州:在朱诺,火烈鸟的主人被禁止带他们...

  • 出游贴士:盘点各国奇葩法律

    A New Zealand bar manager and two Myanmar colleagues were sentenced to two and a half years in jail in a Yangon court on Tuesday. 缅甸仰光一家法庭对一位新西兰籍酒吧经理和他的两名缅甸同事判处监禁两年零六个月。 Th...

  • 经济学人133:海外行贿 两部法律的故事

    Business Bribery abroad A tale of two laws 商业 海外行贿 两部法律的故事 America's anti-corruption law deters foreign investment. Britain's is smarter 美国的反贪腐法让企业对海外投资望而却步,而英国的则更为明智...

  • 经济学人39:法律与穷人 The law and the poor

    Finance and Economics;Free exchange;The law and the poor; 财经;自由交流;法律与穷人; Courts in emerging markets are better for the poor than many assume; 新兴市场国家的法院对待穷人时并不是许多人所想的那样糟...

  • 世界各地的15种古怪的法律

    While you may be condemning the laws of your country, have a look at some of the most weird, craziest and wackiest laws that lawmakers around the world seem to have made when not in their senses. 1. Chewing gums are banned in Singapore in order to ma...

  • 美国历史上最囧的30条法律

    1.North Carolina Its against the law to sing off-key. 唱歌走音是非法的(大家都别唱了╮(╯▽╰)╭) 2.Arizona Cutting down a cactus may earn you a twenty-five-year prison term. 砍下一棵仙人球可让你坐25年牢 (史上最贵仙人...

  • 美国文化口语-法律

    CORINNE: Wow! It's 8:45. If we want to buy some beer, we should go now. ALEX: Why? The party doesn't start until 10:30. CORINNE: Yes. But the liquor stores stop selling alcohol at 9:00. ALEX: Really? All the liquor stores? CORINNE: Yes. It's a state...

  • 国际组织动向—联合国安理会呼吁各国制定法律视恐怖活动为非法

    UN Security Council Calls on Nations to Outlaw Terror Incitement 联合国安理会呼吁各国制定法律视恐怖活动为非法 The British-sponsored resolution calls on all 191 U.N. member states...

  • 【名言警句-法律篇】

    Every law has no atom of stregth, as far as no public opinion supports it. (Wendell phillips, American leader against slavery) 若是没有公众舆论的支持,法律是丝毫没有力量的。(美国...
