9 3B nod, the chairman nodded at me to continue. noisy, the night was noisy with crackers. nominal, his position as head of the firm is purely nominal. nominate, he was nominated for the mayor. nonsen...
9 3A impair, his hearing was impaired after the explosion. impartial, the judge decided the case impartially. implement, the committee's suggestions will be implemented immediately. implicit, the thre...
9 2B exist, the city has existed for hundreds of years. expand, metal expands when heated. expect, she is expected to be here next Wednesday. expel, the new government expelled all foreign diplomats....
9 2A crazy, he is crazy with delight. create, tourism creates jobs for people. creative, the engineers developed a creative solution to the problem. credit, it takes 124 credits for a student to gradu...
9 1B bud, the trees are budding and spring is near. budget, we have budget ten thousand dollars for advertising. bug, the detective bugged the suspect's telephone. build, reading builds up the mind. b...
2003/06/18 9 1A A abandon, the search was abandoned when night came. abide, I have to abide by the contract that I have signed. able(to), who is able to answer the question. abolish, slavery was aboli...