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  • 什么才是省时又省力的记忆规律?

    The human brain is arguably the most amazing, mysterious, and complex computer known to mankind. Nonetheless, scientists have unraveled a few details that explain the process that we call memory. 人脑无疑是人类认识范围内最令人惊叹、最...

  • 别带着怒气入眠! 小心强化脑中负面记忆!

    Never go to bed angry, the old saying goes, or bad feeling will harden into resentment. 有句老话说,千万不要带着怒气入睡,否则糟糕的情绪会转化成怨恨。 Now scientists have found evidence to support the idea that negative...

  • 高中的记忆The Memories in High School

    High school is very important in ones lifetime. Nowadays, the movies about the high school time are so popular, but the stories are exaggerated, my memories about high school life are so different from the movie. During the three years, study occupie...

  • 删去的记忆

    Finn: Hello and welcome to 6 Minute English. I'm Finn. Rob: And I'm Rob. Finn: Rob, I'm going to ask a personal question - do you have any bad memories? Rob: Yes. When I was young I was bitten by a dog. And he bit my arm. Not nice. Finn: Really? Do y...

  • 英语美文:Making Memories 累积记忆

    虽然家务繁忙,作者为了自己的女儿陪她玩游戏,给她读故事,陪她出去遛马路,每每有人问起,她总是回答到,我在累积记忆。 女儿即将入睡,口中喃喃道:妈妈,世界上除了上帝以外没有...

  • 记忆在英语学习中的重要性


  • 背单词 运用生物学知识强化记忆

    bananashrub 含笑 banana 香蕉 shrub 灌木 含笑是我们中国人根据该花花冠下垂的姿态犹如少女垂首,含笑不语而命名,英语则是根据该花开花时能够释放出香蕉般芬芳的味道以及其为灌木的特点命名...

  • 英语词汇记忆六大方法

    记忆词汇,应该说不是件特别愉快的事,特别是单词前背后忘,使记忆单词变得更加没有乐趣,然而增加英语单词量是每个到了国外的人都必须要做的,对需要参加TOEFL、IELTS, MELAB, GMAT或GRE考试...

  • 记忆雅思单词的方法

    1、逻辑记忆:通过词的本身的内部逻辑关系词与词之间的外部逻辑关系记忆单词 1)、把几个字母看作一个来记,如night, light, fight, night, might, sight ,tight 2) 、外旧内新,如bridge桥看成...

  • 听力资料-113个重要字首 记忆

    同种的 在床上 睡着的 大声的 渴望的吵醒 走向更底的位置 避开 修正无色的无底的希腊神话的女战士 ab 离开 扔掉 抛弃 释放 ad 方向变化完成附加开始 加...
