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  • 英语人生谚语

    A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难朋友才是真正的朋友。 Actions speak louder than words.事实胜于雄辩 All is not gold that glitters.闪光的不一定都是金子 An idle youth,a needy age.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲 Bit...

  • 与动物有关的谚语

    动物比喻(Animal Metaphors)在英汉两种语言中均有广泛的使用,它使语言生气勃勃,形象鲜明。然而,由于文化背景、思维方式的不同,人们对动物比喻的正确理解和翻译存有障碍。从翻译的角...

  • 经典谚语大集合

    1、A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed 千言万语不如一个行动。 2、He who is ashamed of asking is ashamed of learning 畏问之人耻于学。 3、Confidence is the first step on the road to success 自信是走...

  • 英语谚语的语言特点

    谚语是人们在长期使用语言的实践中提炼出来的语言精华。 往往用简单通俗的话反映出深刻的道理。 学习英语谚语不仅可以学到真实地道的英语表现形式 ,提高言语技能,更能够学到其中丰...

  • 英文谚语大全

    A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 恶其始者必恶其终。 A bad bush is better than the open field. 有胜于无。 A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit. 吃亏的和解也比胜诉强。 A bad conscience is a snake in one's heart. 做贼...

  • 与动物有关的谚语

    动物比喻(Animal Metaphors)在英汉两种语言中均有广泛的使用,它使语言生气勃勃,形象鲜明。然而,由于文化背景、思维方式的不同,人们对动物比喻的正确理解和翻译存有障碍。从翻译的角...

  • 经典谚语大集合

    1、A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed千言万语不如一个行动。 2、He who is ashamed of asking is ashamed of learning畏问之人耻于学。 3、Confidence is the first step on the road to success自信是走向...

  • 谚语欣赏

    Bacchus has drowned more men than Nepture. 酒神淹死的人比海神多。 Bad news has wings. 坏事传千里。 Bad workmen often blame their tools. 拙匠常怪工具差。 Bare words, no bargain. 空言不能成交易。 Barking dogs seldom bit...

  • 英语谚语100句

    1. Never say die.永不言败。 2.Never too old to learn, never too late to turn.亡羊补牢,为时未晚。 3.New wine in old bottles.旧瓶装新酒。 4.No cross, no crown.不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。 5.No garden without its weeds.没有...

  • 英语谚语500句中英对照

    Industry is the parent of success.勤奋是成功之母。 It is better to die when life is a disgrace.宁为玉碎,不为瓦全。 It is easier to get money than to keep it.挣钱容易攒钱难。 It is easy to be wise after the event.事后诸葛亮...
