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VOA慢速英语2011--American Air Strike in Yemen Kills Anwar

时间:2011-10-05 13:47来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]

IN THE NEWS - American Air Strike in Yemen Kills Anwar al-Awlaki

新闻报道 - 美军无人机击毙基地组织阿拉伯分支领导人奥拉基

This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English.


An American air strike in Yemen has killed Anwar al-Awlaki. He led the group known as al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula.

基地组织阿拉伯半岛分支领导人安瓦尔·奥拉基(Anwar al-Awlaki)在美国的一次空袭中被击中身亡。

BARACK OBAMA: "The death of Awlaki is a major blow to al-Qaida's most active operational affiliate."


President Obama said al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula remains dangerous, but weakened.


Anwar al-Awlaki was born in the United States. He urged his followers around the world to kill Americans. "It is either us or them," he said. He built a loyal following through YouTube, Facebook and a blog.


(SOUND: Awlaki in Arabic)

The United States government approved Mr. Awlaki for killing without trial -- a rare step for an American citizen. A missile attack from a drone or unmanned aircraft killed him early Friday in eastern Yemen. Several other suspected militants also died. Yemen's Defense Ministry said they included Samir Khan, a militant raised in the United States. He produced an English-language magazine for al-Qaida that appeared on the Internet.

美国政府批准了不经审判直接刺杀奥拉基,这是一项针对美国公民非常罕见的举措。周五早些时候,奥拉基在也门东部被一架无人机发射的导弹击中身亡,还包括数名激进分子嫌疑人。也门国防部表示,这里面包括美国长大的激进分子萨米尔·汗(Samir Khan)。他为基地组织制作的英语杂志出现在了互联网上。

American officials told reporters that the Central Intelligence Agency organized the raid. It was carried out under the leadership of the Joint Special Operations Command. That command also led the operation earlier this year in which an American team killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan.


Some Western intelligence officials believed Anwar al-Awlaki was more dangerous than Ayman al Zawahiri, the current main al-Qaida leader. Mr. Awlaki spoke both Arabic and English. Michael Leiter, former director of the National Counterterrorism Center, says his skill with language and the Internet made him especially dangerous.

一些西方情报官员认为,奥拉基的危险性远超现任基地组织领导人艾曼·扎瓦赫里(Ayman al Zawahiri)。奥拉基会讲阿拉伯语和英语。美国国家反恐中心前主任迈克尔·雷特(Michael Leiter)表示,奥拉基的语言技能和互联网技能使得他尤为危险。

MICHAEL LEITER: "Ideologues and operational leaders like Anwar al-Awlaki, other Americans who are using al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula as a platform to try to recruit Westerners -- this makes them I think the most significant threat of all the affiliates we face."


Mr. Awlaki was born to Yemeni parents in New Mexico in nineteen seventy-one. He served as a religious leader in several mosques in the United States. These included one in San Diego, California. That mosque was often attended by two of the hijackers in the attacks of September eleventh, two thousand one.


Mr. Awlaki was wanted by both the United States and Yemen for his reported involvement in terrorist attacks. President Obama said Mr. Awlaki directed the failed attempt to blow up a passenger airplane on Christmas Day in December two thousand nine.


Investigators say he may have also had a part in a shooting attack a month earlier. They say he may have advised Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan. Major Hasan is accused of killing thirteen people at Fort Hood in Texas.

调查人员表示,他可能还与这之前一个月的一次枪击案有关。调查人员称他可能怂恿了陆军少校纳达尔·马里克·哈桑(Nidal Malik Hasan)。哈桑少校被指控在德州胡德堡杀害了13人。

Yemeni officials charged Mr. Awlaki with "inciting violence against foreigners" for the killing last year of a French oil industry worker in Yemen.


The killing of Anwar al-Awlaki comes as Yemen faces violent political unrest. President Ali Abdullah Saleh has agreed repeatedly to resign but has yet to do so.


On Friday, President Obama made his comments during a ceremony marking the end of Navy Admiral Mike Mullen's four-year term as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Army General Martin Dempsey replaces him as the nation's top military officer.

上周五,奥巴马总统在海军上将麦克·马伦结束美军参谋长联席会议主席四年任期的纪念仪式上发表了他的观点。陆军上将马丁·邓普西(Martin Dempsey)取代马伦成为美国最高军事官员。

And that's IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English. I'm Christopher Cruise.

Contributing: Elizabeth Arrott, Kent Klein and Sean Maroney

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