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  • VOA慢速英语--盲人运动员徒步穿越大峡谷

    Blind Athlete Hikes the Grand Canyon Shawn Cheshire is a blind cyclist who competed in the 2016 Paralympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. She hopes to take part again in 2020 in Tokyo, Japan. But before that, she had a different goal: hiking the Grand C...

  • VOA慢速英语2018--日本老司机更爱迷你车

    Minicars Popular among Japans Aging Drivers In Japan, very small automobiles traditionally were meant for families seeking a low-cost form of transportation. But these minicars, also known as kei-cars, have instead become popular with another group o...

  • VOA慢速英语2018--Study or Learn?

    English language learners use the verbs study and learn all the time. Yet, they often are unsure which to choose in a situation. Our subject today comes from Salah of Yemen. The writer asks: Question: I would like to know the difference between study...

  • VOA慢速英语--'William Wilson,' by Edgar Allan Poe, Part Three

    You will remember that in the last part of my story I told of my experiences in my first school; I spoke of my early meetings with a boy who looked and behaved as I did whose name was even the same as mine: William Wilson. I told of the night when I...

  • VOA慢速英语2018 仿真机器人"佩珀"亮相英国议会

    Humanoid Pepper Appears in Britains Parliament A robot appeared with British lawmakers earlier this week to demonstrate how machines are being engineered to act like human beings. 本周初,一个机器人与英国议员一起示范了机器是如何...

  • 澳大利亚科学家推出一种望远镜来观察地下深处

    Australian Scientists Propose a Telescope to Look Deep Underground Scientists in Australia want to build what they describe as a downward looking telescope to look for mineral wealth under the Earths surface. The telescope is really a project aimed a...

  • VOA慢速英语2018 哈佛被指控歧视亚裔美国人

    Harvard Accused of Discriminating Against Asian-Americans A United States federal court in Boston, Massachusetts, is hearing a discrimination case against the oldest university in the country. 马萨诸塞州波士顿市的一家联邦法院正在审理...

  • VOA慢速英语--Four Adverbs: Just, Already, Still, Yet

    Sometimes, the most common words in the English language can cause the most trouble. Today, we will talk about four adverbs that are often unclear to English learners. All four words relate to time in some way. They are just, already, still and yet....

  • VOA慢速英语2018 专家:城市发展将加剧住房危机

    Experts: Growth of Cities Will Worsen Housing Crisis Close to 70 percent of the world's population will live in cities by the year 2050. That prediction comes from the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. 到2050年,全球近70...

  • VOA慢速英语2018 美国人最喜欢做的事

    Americans Favorite Thing To Do Americans favorite activity has long been said to be baseball. But a new study by the U.S. government suggests that is not true. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says Americans seem to enjoy watching television more than...

  • VOA慢速英语--于亚利桑那州生物圈2号实验25周年

    25 Years Later: Biosphere 2 Lives On An unusual scientific experiment ended 25 years ago when eight people walked out of a miniature Earth called Biosphere 2. Biosphere 2 is a collection of large, connected buildings in the American state of Arizona....

  • Power Returns to Indonesian City but Condition of Thousands Unknown

    Electric power stations were operating again and some businesses reopened in the Indonesian city of Palu on Thursday. However, the condition of thousands of people in nearby communities was unknown nearly a week after an earthquake and tsunami hit th...

  • VOA慢速英语2018--男孩把自己变成玩具

    Boy Loves Toys, Becomes a Toy Himself A seven-year-old boy who loves toys has now become a toy himself. Ryan, a first-grade student, has been making YouTube videos for three years. The videos usually show him opening a toy, playing with it and then w...

  • VOA慢速英语2018--'William Wilson,' by Edgar Allan Poe, Part Two

    In the first part of my story I spoke about my life at my first school, and about the other boys over whom I gained firm control. But there was one boy who would not follow my commands, who would not do what I told him to, as the other boys did. His...

  • VOA慢速英语2018--Dead as a Doornail

    Believe it or not, the English language has about 25,000 idiomatic expressions. And some of the oldest ones have very interesting histories. Today our question involves an expression from early English literature. It comes from Dimitrije in Serbia. H...
