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  • Amazon Indigenous Woman among Environment Prize Winners

    Amazon Indigenous Woman among Environment Prize Winners Alessandra Korap, a Munduruku Indigenous woman from the Brazilian Amazon, has been awarded a 2023 Goldman Environmental Prize. The respected award honors six activists from six continents who wo...

  • VOA新闻杂志2023--Why Sudan’s Conflict Matters to the World

    Why Sudans Conflict Matters to the World Foreign governments have evacuated hundreds of diplomats and other citizens from Sudan since Sunday. For Sudanese, the evacuation is a sign that international powers expect conditions to worsen in the North Af...

  • VOA新闻杂志2023 美国宇航局展出火星栖息地 志愿者将实地生活一年

    NASA showed off a simulated Mars environment this month where four volunteers will live for one year to help the American space agency prepare to send humans to the planet. 美国宇航局本月展示了一个模拟火星环境,四名志愿者将在那...

  • Researchers Study with the Aid of Dead Birds

    Scientists in the southwestern state of New Mexico are giving dead birds new life through unusual research. A team at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology in Socorro is using dead birds that are prepared using taxidermy. Taxidermy is the...

  • Wealthy People Still Spend Money But Keep Low Profile

    With an ongoing war in Europe, high energy prices and food shortages, some wealthy people find themselves wanting to spend their money in ways that do not draw attention. Even in the current economic climate, many people who have a lot of money are s...

  • Rat Ambassadors Try to Win over the American Public

    Rat Ambassadors Try to Win over the American Public Three zoos in the United States, including the San Diego Zoo, now have hero rat ambassadors, showing the abilities of the African giant pouched rats. A Tanzania-based organization that trains the ra...

  • While Some Students Skip College, Trade Schools Are Growing

    Almost every area of higher education in the United States has fewer students registering for classes. But many trade programs are growing. Trade programs teach students skills for specific jobs, like electricians or car repair. For many students, sk...

  • VOA新闻杂志2023--Are You a 'Bull in a China Shop'?

    Are You a 'Bull in a China Shop'? And now, Words and Their Stories, from VOA Learning English. Have you ever felt out of place? Have you ever felt clumsy, like you cannot move gracefully and smoothly? If you answered yes, then today's show is for you...

  • Tunisia’s Government Orders Water Saving Measures, Threatens Fines and Jail

    Because of severely dry conditions, Tunisia has ordered water to be rationed with little warning to the people there. Water is to be cut off for seven hours a day from 9 o'clock in the evening to 4 o'clock in the morning in most areas of the country,...

  • William Henry Harrison: Short-Lived

    William Henry Harrison: Short-Lived VOA Learning English presents America's Presidents. Today we are talking about William Henry Harrison. Although he was elected in 1840, many Americans still remember his catchy campaign slogan: Tippecanoe and Tyler...

  • Ordinary Mistakes Lead to Shootings in United States

    In a period of six days, four young people across the United States were shot one of them to death for making ordinary mistakes: arriving at the wrong place. A man shot and wounded two cheerleaders outside a Texas supermarket early Tuesday after one...

  • UN: India to Have World’s Largest Population later This Year

    The United Nations estimates India will pass China to have the world's largest population sometime later this year. This comes from the U.N. Population Fund's State of the World Population report. Both countries have over 1.4 billion people. But Indi...

  • Spanish Company Aims High with Indoor Growing Plan for Beer Ingredient

    Spanish Company Aims High with Indoor Growing Plan for Beer Ingredient In large buildings outside Madrid, Spain's capital, hop vines grow under special lights and close supervision. A small company believes growing the vines will be important to ensu...

  • Activists: Fishing Regulators Need More Transparency

    Environmental groups and fishing interests are criticizing regional organizations set up by the United Nations to supervise fishing activities around the world. The groups say the U.N. bodies need to be clearer and more open about what they are doing...

  • Oldest US City Remains a Mystery to Many

    Oldest US City Remains a Mystery to Many Students of United States history often learn that Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts and Jamestown in Virginia were the earliest settlements in North America. But more than 50 years earlier, the Spanish had settl...
