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  • 摩登家庭第六季 第244期:书呆子奖里的巅峰 Yeah, the line was too short. It's over. I can't be seen there. I wouldn't want people to think I was a jackass. 是啊,队排得太短了。他家没戏了,我不能被看见去那里进餐。我可不想让人觉得我是混蛋。 Uh, look, whe
  • 摩登家庭第六季 第245期:天涯何处无妹子 And I think I know exactly who did it. 我知道这事是谁干的。 Well -- - Manny! You framed Scott Wheeler so I'd win the bonerface. 这个嘛... -就是曼尼!你陷害斯科特威勒,所以我变成了怂人。 It adds up. 这得通哦。
  • 摩登家庭第六季 第246期:一个追梦小女孩的故事 Okay. Awning is done. 搞定,遮阳蓬都装好了。 Supposed to be a drawbridge. Weren't the chains a clue? 那本来应该是个吊桥的。难道那些链条都没让你反应过来吗? A lot of criticism from a guy who just sawed half his sh
  • 摩登家庭第六季 第247期:爱尔兰人的眼泪会发光 Okay, Lily. I got the list of what you need for your project. Uh, glitter glue...glitter dots...glitter...paper. 好了,莉莉。这单子上有你作业要用的东西。荧光胶水... 荧光圆片荧光纸。 Mrs. Daniels says my projects have t
  • 摩登家庭第六季 第248期:这辈子最糟糕的一天 We were called into Principal Brown's office one week before Alex's graduation. 就在艾丽克斯毕业一周前,我们被请到布朗校长的办公室。 That can mean only one of two things. Either she's gonna be valedictorian or they're giving
  • 摩登家庭第六季 第249期:带孩子不上班日 There must be some way to determine who the best student is. 肯定有办法决定最棒的学生是谁。 Well, unfortunately, all the final exams and the papers are in. Grades are closed. 不幸的是所有期末考试和论文都结了。分数已经
  • 摩登家庭第六季 第250期:吵架后重新坠入爱河 Are they fighting or falling back in love? 他们是在吵架还是重新坠入爱河? c-cow! 牛! Cow? Cow? ! The woman who is abandoning her country cannot remember the Spanish word for cow. 牛?牛?!要抛弃自己国家的女人连牛都不
  • 摩登家庭第六季 第251期:基佬的话果然不靠谱 You know what? You're right. Let's settle this out on the track. 好吧,你说得没错。我们在赛道上了解这件事吧。 All right, coach Tucker, I'm assuming we can count on you to officiate. 好了,塔克教练,我们应该可以指望
  • 摩登家庭第六季 第252期:不能为了食物放弃信念 We do have a table. 我们有一张空桌子。 No, thank you. No, we're not gonna compromise our principles just for... 不,谢谢。不行,我们不能仅仅为了食物放弃信念。 We'll take a booth away from the window. 我们可以坐在不
  • 摩登家庭第六季 第253期:知道我一生追赶你多难吗 You're right. I want that, too. I'm so sorry. 你说得对,我也想要那个。抱歉。 Hey, you're just a little scared. I know what will help you feel better. 你只是有点怕吧。我知道什么能让你好过一点。 We'll fire up some st
  • 摩登家庭第六季 第254期:和美国妻告别 Okay. 好吧。 I mean like-like, like how Pierre Curie liked Marie Curie. 我说的是那种喜欢像皮埃尔居里喜欢玛丽居里一样。 I'm sorry. I-I went too far. You smell pretty. I should go. 对不起,我说得太过火了。你身上真
  • 摩登家庭第六季 第255期:基佬们也关心政治 Man, those shorts really take the sting out of getting yelled at. 天呐,那条短裤真能让我忘了被骂的痛。 Oh, my God, that burger was so good, I feel like I just cheated on you. 我的天呐,那个汉堡太棒了,我感觉就像劈腿
  • 摩登家庭第六季 第256期:只要肯信万物成真 Okay, before you get all superior, We hadn't eaten since breakfast. 得了吧,别一副高高在上的样子,我们早餐以后啥都没吃。 It's a quarter to 1:00. 现在才12:45好嘛。 That's what I'm saying. 对啊,已经12:45了。 Okay
  • 摩登家庭第六季 第257期:115个表亲都支持你 That's the longest you've ever been quiet, and it's terrifying. 你从没安静过这么长时间,好吓人。 I know nobody asked for my advice -- 我知道没人问我... Yet you're talking. 那你还说些什么。 I agree with Jay. 我同意杰。
  • 摩登家庭第六季 第258期:姐分分钟碾压你 You do? Well...I love your hair. And your smile. And the way you roll your beautiful brown eyes when someone gets an answer wrong. 真的?我喜欢你的头发。还有你的微笑。还有别人答错题时你漂亮的棕色眼睛翻白的样子。