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  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第9集 第13期:不新鲜的事 Veronica, I'm sorry. 维罗妮卡 抱歉 We shouldn't have made you tell that story 我们不该逼你讲彼得和 about Peter and Jessica. 杰西卡的事 Believe me, it was easier telling it than living it. 相信我 讲出来比瞒着好过些 Ame
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第9集 第15期:跳一支舞 Caleb, where have you been? Why are you here? 凯勒 你去哪了 你怎么会在这 Why are you here? You're not supposed to be. 你又为什么在这 你不该来的 And you said you were in New York. 你不是说你在纽约吗 Which was a lie. I
  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第9集 第16期:讨厌她 Charles? Is that you? 查尔斯 是你吗 Dominic. 我是多米尼克 Punch? 来杯潘趣酒吗 Thank you. 谢谢 What's she doing now? 她现在在干嘛 Sipping. What about him? 喝酒 他呢 Shooting Mindy and Cindy. 给明迪和辛迪拍照 You k
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  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第9集 第18期:非法入侵 Crap. 糟了 What? We lost her. 怎么了 她不见了 Are there more pictures of him around here? 这里还有没有他的照片 How much more do you need to see? 你还要看多少照片 They clearly share the same DNA. 他们明显基因相同 We
  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第9集 第19期:支付学费 Okay, you said one dance. 好了 你说过就一支舞 This is more than I danced at the Katy Perry concert. 这比我在水果姐演唱会上跳的舞都多 If you were in New York, what were you doing there? 如果你当时在纽约 你是去干什么
  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第9集 第20期:拍照 Move! 让开 What's the rush, Clark? 这么急去哪 克拉克 We know who hired you for this party. 我们知道是谁雇你来这个派对的 Where is he? Where's Charles? 他在哪 查尔斯在哪 Look, get out of the way. 给我让开 You guys ar
  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第9集 第21期:腐烂的东西 Shouldn't we just call the police? 我们是不是该直接报警 Clark and I already called for backup. 克拉克和我已经呼叫增援了 Where are the others? 其他人在哪 Hanna and Caleb are checking the coatrooms. 汉娜和凯勒去查看试衣
  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第10集 第1期:活玩偶 Does she think we came between her and Ali? 她以为我们阻隔了她和艾莉吗 Is that what this has all been about? 一切都因此而起吗 Wait, so CeCe is Charles? 慢着 这么说茜茜就是查尔斯 Sh-she is a she, right? 她是个女的
  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第10集 第2期:很可爱 This wasn't the first time, Jess. 这已经不是第一次了 杰西 We're doing the right thing. 我们这么做没错 We can't risk him harming Jason or the baby. 我们不能冒险让他伤害杰森或小宝宝 I never meant to hurt you. 我并不想
  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第10集 第3期:继承小眼睛 They can hear us. They just can't move. 他们能听见我们说的 只是不能动 You never visited me. 你从来没去看过我 Not even once. 一次都没有 Thank God neither of us inherited the bastard's beady eyes. 感谢上帝我们都没继承
  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第10集 第4期:厉害的谎言 Wish we could find a way out of here. 真希望我们能逃出这里 Leaving's easy, Charles. 离开很容易 查尔斯 It's staying gone that would be tough. 但是消失却很难 My mom always says that nothing's more believable 我妈妈常说没有
  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第10集 第5期:成为A Oh, my God! 我的天啊 Bethany, what did you do? 宝芬妮 你做了什么 What did I do? 我做了什么 You pushed her... freak. 是你把她推下去了... 变态 So, Bethany blamed you for Mrs. Cavanaugh's death? 这么说 宝芬妮冤枉你杀死
  • 《美少女的谎言》第六季第10集 第6期:庸医 After that.. 从那之后... the doctors gave me a new diagnosis. 医生给我安了一个新的诊断结果 Intermittent explosive disorder. 间歇狂暴症 Why is that funny? 有什么好笑的 'Cause it was an accurate diagnosis... 因为得这个病