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英语访谈对话 476 Horror Movies

时间:2013-07-19 06:49来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

   Ruth: So Akane, is there anything that you’re frightened of?

  Akane: Well… I’m, I’m really scared of horror1 movies. I never watch them, cuz they really really frighten me.
  Ruth: Horror movies wow. Have your ever seen a horror movie?
  Akane: Well, um, when I was little I used to watch them with my friends, because, back in the 80’s, horror movies used to be really popular. Like ah “Jason”, and “Freddy Cruger”. (Oh yeah) and things like that yeah. But ah, they used to keep me up at night and I couldn’t sleep.
  Ruth: Yeah, my friend actually had a “Freddy Cruger” poster. It used to frighten me.
  Akane: Did she?
  Ruth: Yeah, it wasn’t my favorite. So, ah, what don’t you like about horror movies?
  Akane: Well, um, I think, I think uh, I don’t know, I think it’s the psychological2 aspect of it. They just really make me feel scared.
  Ruth: Ah, heh.. What was the last horror movie that you watched?
  Akane: Um, the last one I watched was, I think it was the “Blair Witch3 Project”.
  Ruth: Oh I know that film, yeah
  Akane: The first one, I saw it in the theatre with my friend. And I couldn’t sleep properly for a week after that.
  Ruth: Oh no!
  Akane: Ya, I mean, I know it’s stupid. A lot of people think it’s a pretty stupid movie. Um, but I think it was just, just the psychological aspect of it that really made me feel scared. And uh, I think, with that movie, after people saw it, they weren’t really sure whether it was real or not.
  Ruth: Oh yeah.
  Akane: And so there was that element4 as, as well.
  Ruth: Was that the same film that I’m thinking of. The one where they filmed people in a forest, is that right?
  Akane: Yeah, that’s right. It was in a forest. And the whole thing was done with a camcorder. A hand held camcorder. And so, it was, a lot of it was, I think, black and white. I can’t remember. And uh, and the camera was very shaky, and…
  Ruth: So it wasn’t professionally5 filmed?
  Akane: Um, I guess it didn’t look like it was.
  Ruth: Right.
  Akane: Yeah, I heard that the movie actually only took um, It didn’t take a lot of money to film it.
  But it, it made a lot of money.
  Ruth: Yeah, I can believe that actually, I can believe that. Well, thanks for that.


1 horror DdUzN     
  • The public has been awakened to the full horror of the situation.公众完全意识到了这一状况的可怕程度。
  • The thought of working nights fills me with abject horror.一想到要夜间工作我就觉得惨兮兮的。
2 psychological aRUxW     
  • Work also provides psychological well-being.工作还能使人身心健康。
  • The psychological advantage of direct control is impressive.直接控制所收到的心理效果很大。
3 witch nMvz2     
  • The witch changed the prince into a frog.巫婆把王子变成了青蛙。
  • The heartless witch cast a spell on the poor little girl.狠心的女巫对孤苦无助的小女孩施了妖术。
4 element sqzxE     
  • Justice is an important element of good government.公正是仁政的要素。
  • Carbon is an element,while carbon dioxide is a compound.碳是一种(化学)元素,而二氧化碳则是一种化合物。
5 professionally Ukszue     
  • You need a complete change,both professionally and personally.你需要在工作上和自身两方面有彻底的改变。
  • A professionally installed alarm will cost from about £500.请专业人员安装的警报器要花费至少500英镑。
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