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  • 【英音模仿秀】机器人能否与人类和谐共存

    模仿文本: This week is European Robotics Week, which means lots of exhibitions and talks about the subject across the continent. Improved technology is pushing robots into almost every aspect of our society and economy. The Curve Report, an Ame...

  • 【英音模仿秀】英国大学的性别隔离现象

    模仿文本: Meanwhile campaigners in Britain have launched a petition of protesting at what they call gender segregation taking place at some of the country's universities after audiences were asked to sit apart from the opposite sex during some...

  • 【英音模仿秀】伊朗能否跨出历史性的一步?

    模仿文本: Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Nethanyahu has been sounding warnings about the agreement. It was, he said, an historic mistake. But speaking tonight inSan Francisco, President Obama said tough talk wasn't enough, the priority was to...

  • 【英音模仿秀】英国新政难堵逃税漏洞

    模仿文本:We were very optimistic when we heard that the government was going to introduce this bill because you would think from this end of it that it would be a new rule that would prevent tax avoidance and tax abuse in the UK. But actually a...

  • 【英音模仿秀】世界杯抽签分档出炉

    模仿文本: So FIFA have confirmed the pots for the World Cup draw which takes place in Brazil on Friday. We already knew the seven seeds, but now we also know that all nine European qualifiers have been placed in the same pot. Only eight can be...

  • 【英音模仿秀】迪士尼首次成为银幕主角

    模仿文本:But this is really Pamela Travers' story. Played by Emma Thompson, she emerges as a restless woman whose clipped accent disguised her Australian upbringing, a turbulent childhood which ended with the early death of her adored father. O...

  • 【英音模仿秀】甲壳虫录音师

    模仿文本: Well now, Ken Scott was just 16 years old when he started to work as a trainee sound engineer at EMI's famous recording studios in London's Abbey Road. And amazingly, his first session was with The Beatles on their hit song, A Hard Da...

  • 【英音模仿秀】关于黄金,你了解多少?

    模仿文本: So where does the world get its gold? Well, the best people to answer that question are at the World Gold Council, the main trade body of the big gold mining companies, and it's based right here in London. I spoke to the head of the c...

  • 【英音模仿秀】光辉岁月 传奇人生

    模仿文本: Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in jail, imprisoned by the white minority government to serve his efforts to fight the injustice of apartheid. By the time he gained his freedom in 1990, he'd captured the imagination of the people around...

  • 【英音模仿秀】金正恩的党内清洗

    模仿文本: But first, North Koreahas confirmed that one of its most powerful politicians has been dismissed. The state news agency said that Chang Song-thaek was removed from his post for committing what it called criminal acts. I asked Lucy Wil...

  • 【英音模仿秀】科技公司联名抵制监听

    模仿文本:It's very good as far as it goes but it does miss one rather crucial point which is that the people who are doing the most surveillance aren't really the NSA or GCHQ or anyone like that. They're these tech companies themselves. There's...

  • 【英音模仿秀】世界足球先生&小姐入围名单揭晓

    模仿文本: But her career has already taken her to three continents. She began in Brazil, playing for Vasco da Gama. Via Sweden she then moved to the United States. In three years there she was the league top scorer every season playing in both...

  • 【英音模仿秀】杀死汝爱

    模仿文本:First though a film about the movement gathering shape in 1943, age 17, the poet Allen Ginsberg arrived at Columbia University from New Jersey. There he would meet William Burroughs, and Jack Kerouac and other members of what would bec...

  • 【英音模仿秀】身体里的小伙伴

    模仿文本: In fact, we've got billions of friends in us. From our mouth to the end of our large intestine, all of us are the warm, wet and well-provisioned host to a remarkable ecosystem of microbes, many of which aren't just friends, but essent...

  • 【英音模仿秀】爱尔兰的复苏

    ❤ 模仿文本:Now it's an important moment in the psychology of Europe's single currency zone. For the past three years Ireland has relied on an emergency funding from international creditors including European Union to stay afloat and navigate...
