AP 2010-07-25(在线收听

1. The nomination of Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court clears a Senate Committee by a vote of 13:6, with only one Republican supporting her. Now, the full Senate is expected to vote on her nomination before Congress begins its summer recess.


2. Actress Lindsay Lohan begins serving a jail sentence for violating probation. The 90-day sentence will likely be shortened because of jail-crowding. Jail and rehab are leaving some of Lohan’s projects since.


3. A leaking cap on BP’s oil well in the Gulf could mean the well is buckling, possibly making things worse. So far, officials say the amount of oil leaking is inconsequential.


4. Paul now has a price. That German octopus who correctly predicted World Cup games has caught the attention of a Russian bookmaker, who's offering 130,000 dollars for the creature, all struck by its oracle skills
