英文歌曲:2010格莱美最佳乡村组合:Lady Antebellu(在线收听

2010格莱美最佳乡村组合:Lady Antebellum

Lady Antebellum

I run from hate

I run from prejudice

I run from pessimists

But I run too late
I run my life

Or is it running me

Run from my past

I run too fast

Or too slow it seems

When lies become the truth
That's when I run to you

This world keeps spinning faster

Into a new disaster so I run to you

I run to you baby
And when it all starts coming undone
Baby you're the only one I run to

I run to you

We run on fumes
Your life and mine
Like the sands of time
Slippin' right on through
And our love's the only truth
That's why I run to you

Repeat Chorus X 2

 "I Run to You"是美国乡村音乐组合Lady Antebellum的首张同名专辑曲目,也是该组合的第一支冠军单曲,在日前结束的第52届格莱美音乐奖上,Lady Antebellum凭借"I Run to You"获得“最佳乡村组合”大奖。
