常春藤解析英语【12】Get Me Out of Here! 幽闭恐惧(在线收听

by Jerri Graham

As the elevator closes, your throat tightens, hands sweat, and mind races from one horrible thought to another. What if the doors won't open? _(1)_ You begin to panic and pull at your clothes in desperation. If this terror sounds familiar, you may suffer from claustrophobia.

Claustrophobia is an anxiety disorder involving the fear of confined spaces. When a claustrophobic is in an enclosed space, he or she may be prone to have panic attacks. _(2)_ Some claustrophobics may even pass out if they feel overwhelmed by a situation. To avoid these feelings, they try to keep away from circumstances that trigger the dreaded panic. _(3)_ Subways, buses, or other forms of mass transportation where people are packed side by side could >set offgetting around in this manner, a claustrophobic will choose to drive, walk, or ride a bike instead.

Treatment for claustrophobia is available and with determination, it can be overcome. _(4)_ These elements are psychoeducation, breathing re-training, cognitive therapy, and virtual reality (VR) exposure. The aim of psychoeducation is to educate the patient. In this element, they learn about the claustrophobia that plagues them. Breathing re-training is a way for patients to relearn how to breathe naturally. Cognitive therapy helps patients learn and interpret their claustrophobia. Lastly, there's VR exposure. _(5)_

Claustrophobia can be cured. Patients must be willing to work hard to help release themselves from the locked doors of this disorder.

(A) A claustrophobic may even go so far as to walk up a dozen flights of stairs just to avoid traveling in an elevator.

(B) In a virtual world, patients can experience being in a situation they fear without actually being there.

(C) These attacks can result in shortness of breath, an increase in the heart rate, and dizziness.

(D) The best treatment programs use four different components.

(E) What if you run out of air?


1. 第一题空格应选 (E)

a. 空格前提到一个情境,情境中的主人翁似乎非常紧张不安,并问了一个问题:『如果门打不开怎么办?』(What if the doors won't open?)。

b. 由此推测,这主人翁应该有一连串的疑问或恐惧。而选项 (E) 亦是由 What if 引导的问句,符合上述推测。且门若打不开,可能会导致氧气不足(run out of air),语意连贯,故选之。

run out of...  用完……
例: Hurry up! We're going to run out of time and miss the train.

2. 第二题空格应选 (C)

a. 空格前提到当

b. 由此推测,空格内应该举出患者的恐慌发作时会产生哪些症状。选项 (C) 说到一旦发作可能会导致呼吸困难、心跳加速和头昏。其中的 attacks 和前一句的 panic attacks 形成关键词,可知为正选。

a. result in...  导致∕造成……
= lead to...
例: The CEO's decisions resulted in his failure in the business world.
b. shortness n. 缺乏,不足
c. dizziness n. 晕眩,头昏

3. 第三题空格应选 (A)

a. 空格前说到,恐惧症患者为了避免这种感觉,会尽量远离可能引发这种恐慌的环境(keep away from circumstances that trigger the dreaded panic)。推测空格内应该是进一步说明恐惧症患者会采取何种措施来避免让自己感到恐慌。

b. 选项 (A) 提到,幽闭恐惧症患者会爬上好几层楼梯只为了避免搭乘电梯(avoid traveling in an elevator),与空格前的说法『尽量远离可能引发这种恐慌的环境』相呼应,故选之。

a. go so far as to V  甚至会做……
例: I can't believe that Carmen went so far as to lie to your boss to get you in trouble.
b. flight n. 楼梯的一段

4. 第四题空格应选 (D)

a. 空格前提到幽闭恐惧症有方法(Treatment)可以医治,空格后则提到这些要素(elements)包含心理教育、呼吸再训练、认知疗法和虚拟实境曝露法。

b. 选项 (D) 提到,最好的疗程使用四种不同的构成要素。其中的 treatment 与空格前的 treatment 形成关键词,而 components 则和空格后的 elements 相呼应,可知 (D) 为正选。

component n. 构成要素

5. 第五题空格应选 (B)

a. 空格前提到虚拟实境曝露法,因此推测空格内应该继续说明该疗法的方法或成效。

b. 选项 (B) 提到,在虚拟的世界中,病患不用真正置身于令他们害怕的情况就能体验那样的情境。选项中的 in a virtual world(在虚拟世界中)和上一句的 VR (= virtual reality) exposure(虚拟实境曝露法)形成关键词,可知 (B) 为正选。

experience vt. 经历
例: Ken experienced a period of hardship after he was laid off.


1. in desperation  绝望
desperation n. 绝望
例: In desperation, the mountain climber was forced to cut off his own arm.

2. confined a.(空间)有限的,狭窄的
confine vt. 使受限
be confined to...  受限于∕局限于……
例: Sherry was confined to a wheelchair after she fell down the stairs.

3. feel overwhelmed by/with...  被……感觉淹没
例: The drunk driver felt overwhelmed by guilt after he got into an accident.

4. trigger vt. 引起
例: The star's constant appearances on TV triggered an increase in sales of her autobiography.

5. set off...  引发……
例: The cat set off a sneezing attack that didn't stop for nearly an hour.

6. in this manner  以这种方式
例: When Gail behaves in this manner, I just ignore her and walk away.

7. plague vt. 困扰
be plagued with...  因……困扰
例: Even though they were plagued with financial problems, the young couple still saved money.

8. release A from B  将 A 从 B 释放出来
例: I hope that murderer is never released from prison.


1. race vi. 加快速度

2. claustrophobia n. 幽闭恐惧症

3. claustrophobic n. 幽闭恐惧症患者

4. enclosed a. 密闭的

5. dreaded a. 可怕的

6. mass transportation n. 大众交通工具

7. overcome vt. 克服

8. element n. 要素

9. psychoeducation n. 心理教育学

10. cognitive a. 认知的

11. virtual reality n. 虚拟实境

12. interpret vt. 诠释,解释


1. be prone to...  有……倾向;易于……

2. pass out  昏倒(= faint)

3. side by side  并排地,肩并肩地

4. get around  四处走动

5. be willing to V  愿意做……






标准答案: 1. (E) 2. (C) 3. (A) 4. (D) 5. (B)
