常春藤生活英语【84】Waiting for Doughnuts(在线收听

Nick found a newly opened doughnut store on the way home. Because he felt curious and hungry, he decided to buy some. Despite the long line of people that were already waiting in front of the shop, Nick lined up. He waited for almost an hour, but he didn't intend to give up.

The whole time, Nick kept picturing the delicious doughnuts and all of the flavors he could choose from. The closer he got to the counter, the more excited he became.

Finally, it was Nick's turn to be served. Just as he was ready to order, the clerk apologized and told him the doughnuts were all sold out. Nick was really upset. After waiting for so long, all he got was an empty stomach and a huge disappointment.


Building Your Vocabulary

1. curious a. 好奇的
I'm curious about what's inside that box.
2. despite prep. 尽管,任凭
Despite the rain, they went hiking.
3. picture vt. 想象,设想
The result isn't what I pictured it would be.
4. serve vt. 接待(顾客)
The waitress wasn't very polite when she served us.

Phrases for Learning

1. it is + 所有格 + turn  轮到某人
Today, it is your turn to wash the dishes.
2. be sold out  卖光
The tickets for the concert were all sold out.

Tips In Use

Despite the long line of people...
1. despite + 名词∕动名词  尽管∕虽然……
= in spite of + 名词∕动名词
People still rely on cars in spite of the rising oil prices.
2. despite the fact + that 子句  尽管∕虽然……
= in spite the fact + that 子句
Despite the fact that he's turning 25, Mike still acts childish.
由于 despite 及 in spite of 均视为介词,故其后不可直接接 that 子句作受词,而须先在其后加 the fact 作其受词,然后再接 that 子句,此 that 子句乃其前 the fact 的同位语。
