白领美丽英文诵典365 -063 Improving Interpersonal Rela(在线收听

When you come to the realization that interpersonal relationships are based on needs then the steps following become simple and effective

To understand what a relationship is, how to bring one about, how to enhance one, and why relationships are diminished and lost, one must understand the power of a person’s needs.

The most important things in the world, to us, are the things we believe that we need. Needs affect opinions, attitudes, and viewpoints. Generally we’re more aware of unfulfilled needs than the ones that are consistently met.

The key to a good interpersonal relationships is simple once you understand the role that needs play in making a relationship weak, moderate, average, or strong. Let’s give the word relationship a different definition from the dictionaries, for unlocking the meaning of the word often leads to greater understanding.

To enhance any relationship is simple: find out what the other person needs and then fill that need. When you ask, “How can I help better this relationship?” you are asking the wrong question. To get the correct answer we have to ask the right question. A better question would be, “How can I fill this person’s needs?”

As previously stated, our own needs are often hidden by fear, guilt, and past programming. The techniques and exercises covered in the Power of Self Mind Control will allow you to identify your needs and show you why you are who you are in regards to interpersonal relationships. Your effectiveness in influencing and dealing with people will greatly increase with the power of self mind control.
