CNN 2011-12-06(在线收听

 First up today,the ceremony in B honors American and Iraqi forces.It happened in a palace that once belonged to Saddam Hussein who sin Iraqi former dictator who was  forced out of power by the war that started in 2003.The ceremony paid the tribute to the sacrifices and accomplishments that US and Iraqi  troops have made during that war.US vice president,Joe Biden was there,he said troops from two countries,quote,became partners and friends, and now are brothers and arms.The violence isn't over,on the same day as that ceremony , at least 20 people were killed in attacks around the country.But American's role in Iraqi is winding down.And M.S. looks at how that process works./////

That part of state is feeling the effects right now,the way Sante Ana winds work that usually start in land and usually in a desert region.Then they blew wat through mountain vallies on the way to Southern California. 
So the Sante Ana wind are hot,dry and in this case, incredibly strong.Experts said that one gust that hit southern California yesterday was moving in 97 miles per hour.That's strong as some hurricanes.The Sante Ana knocked down trees,knocked out powers for thousands of people.Part of L.A.'s airport lost their power too.That caused some flights delays and forced other flights to land at other airport.The winds also knocked down power lines,in one spot,it started grass fire and burned across two acres.
From winds in California to fog in Tennessee.Authorities say a heavy layer of fog stayed in highway yesterday was part of what caused a mass string of car accidents.
We mean massive,176 vehicles involved,1 person was killed and 17 others were injured though none of the injury was critical.And it all started around 8:00 am yesterday.Official said one car ran off the high way and that triggered chain reaction of crashes,in addition to the fog, the authorities say black ice might cause some of the accident as well.