爵士歌曲:Vanessa Williams - Hello like before(在线收听

爵士:Vanessa Williams - Hello like before

相关介绍 :这位散发优雅气质的黑美人,将自己由里到外的优点全都毫不加以掩饰的表现出来,姣好的外表让她获选为美国第一位非裔黑人摘下美国小姐后冠;匀称的身材比例让她成为模特儿界炙手可热的封面、走秀人物;动人的嗓音让她赢取唱片公司的赏赐推出张张卖座的专辑;精湛的演技让她获得电影公司、舞台剧的青睐,找她独挑大梁上映出一部部优质戏码;也曾访台留下亲切随和的好印象,Vanessa William这位天生的艺人,更是不可多得的全方位才女.

Song :Hello Like Before
Artist :Vanessa Williams

Hello like before
I'd never come here
If I'd known that you were here
I must admit though
That's it's nice to see you, dear
You look like you've been doing well

Hello like before
I hope we've grown
'Cause we were only children then
For laughs I guess we both can say
'I knew YOU when'
But then again, that's kiss and tell

Hello like before
I guess it's different
'Cause we know each other now
I guess I've always known
We'd meet again somehow
So THEN it might as well be now
