英语歌曲:布鲁斯 Kristinia DeBarge - Disconnect(在线收听

节奏布鲁斯:Kristinia DeBarge - Disconnect

相关介绍 :Kristinia 对于关注欧美乐坛的歌迷来说不会陌生,她是风靡80年代流行乐坛-James DeBarge 的女儿,并且参加了美国偶像旗下的一个电视选秀节目American Juniors,取得了不错的成绩。但是Kristinia的歌手之路并不是想象中的那么轻松如意。相反,Kristinia为了实现自己的音乐梦想,付出了很多很多。Kristinia从小就是在听着众多强力派女歌手的歌中长大的,像Mariah Carey, Christina Aguilera, Alicia Keys都是Kristinia的儿时偶像!但是影响Kristinia音乐之路的却是一些摇滚明星,例如Led Zeppelin, Johnny Cash, Bob Dylan。Kristinia真的是在用心做自己的音乐,她的几乎每一首都与她曾经的经历有着密切的关系,听Kristinia的歌,就像在听一个个故事!

歌词 :

Song :Disconnect
Atist :Kristinia DeBarge

Another day of no more you
I'm giving everyone attitude
I'm losing air I'm slowly dying
Kill me if I can't be around you

I don't wanna be too dramatic
Breaking up is problematic
I don't even know what to do

But all I know is that I'm missing you
I don't care 'bout nothing else but you
I'm like 2 steps (2 steps from losing it)
One more step I disconnect
Feel like I might as well be dead
No I really dont think I'll make it without you
Not about to baby

I try to deal but it don't make sense
I can't believe this is happening
I'm losing tears, living this life
If you were here I'm sure they would drown you
(No)I don't wanna make it sound so tragic
(No)I believe we stil got magic
I just need to know you do too

But all I know is that I'm missing you
I don't care 'bout nothing else but you
I'm like 2 steps (2 steps from losing it)
One more step I disconnect
Feel like I might as well be dead
No I really don't think I'll make it without you
Not about to baby
2 steps 2 steps I'm losing it
No I really don't think I'll make it without you
Not about to baby

You better not give up
You know that you can't
I love you too much for this to end
You gotta come through boy
I'm counting on you boy
You know what to do boy
You should call a girl up and save her life
Tell her you're not gon let her die
No way that's gonna happen tonight

But all I know is that I'm missing you
I don't care bout nothing else but you
I'm like 2 steps (2 steps from losing it)
One more step I disconnect
Feel like I might as well be dead

And all I know is that I'm missing you
I dont care 'bout nothing else but you
I'm like 2 steps (2 steps from losing it)
One more step I disconnect
Feel like I might as well be dead
No I really dont think I'll make it without you
Not about to baby
I'm like 2 steps, 2 steps I'm losing it
No I really don't think I'll make it without you
Not about to baby

And all I know is that I'm missing you
I don't care 'bout nothing else but you
I'm like 2 steps (2 steps from losing it)
One more step I disconnect
Feel like I might as well be dead

But all I know is that im missing you
I don't care bout nothing else but you
I'm like 2 steps (2 steps from losing it)
One more step I disconnect
Feel like I might as well be dead
No I really don't think I'll make it without you
Not about to baby
