美联社新闻一分钟 AP 2012-09-01(在线收听

 1. Hurricane Isaac is fixed near the Southeast Louisiana coast. The national hurricane center says the category one storm is forecast to drift over the coast for the next day or two before heading inland. 

2. New Jersey governor Chris Christie is labeling President Barack Obama as part of the complacent status quo. At the Republican national convention, Christie told to the crowd, everybody stand up, there is no time left to waste.
3. Mitt Romney flies to Indianapolis Wednesday to address the American legion. The 2012 GOP presidential nominee also plans to discuss veterans' issues via satellite to Republican national convention along with 2008 GOP presidential nominee John Mccain who will speak to convention in person. 
4. And New York city's medical examiner is hoping to identify dozens of bodies from a potter's filed. The remains have been exhumed. And scientists are using advanced DNA technology in an effort to find out who the buried were.