访谈录 2012-11-03&11-05 星球大战之父乔治·卢卡斯(在线收听


A galaxy far, far away.
        I am your father.
        Just get hold on a closer to the happiest place honors.
        Bob Iger, head of the Walt Disney Company and George Lucas, creator of the Star Wars franchise make it official. Lucasfilm is now part of Disney acquired for just over $4bn.
        Disney has a unique ability to grow strong brands and expand fantastic creative content as we’ve proven with our successful acquisitions of both Pixar and Marvel.
        The addition of Lucasfilm brings with it Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker and the rest of the Star Wars family. Lucas said he’d even been thinking about selling his company for the past 4 years and was intent on having it go to Disney, refusing to shop it around.
        I probably could have gotten more money if I would have competed, but I, you know, that’s not really the issue for me, it’s really a matter of making sure the film is secure, and the property is secure and it’s well taken care of.
        As for Lucas, he says the deal with Disney is his retirement plan and he’s gonna be handing over the rings to the company. Though he says he’s not completely finished with Lucasfilm.
        I’m gonna to remain as a consultant, you know, on the pictures, the three movies, 7,8 and 9.
        You know a little self.
        I’ll be the Yoda in the corner, so when they get confused, I can tell them what that means. 
        Taking over the helm at Lucasfilm Kathleen Kennedy, the second most successful film producer of all time. And yes Star Wars fans you heard right, 3 more movies are planned. Star Wars 7 is due out in 2015.
        In Burbank, Rob Hayes, ABC7 Eyewitness News.