Lesson 101 Who Discovered America?(在线收听

  Did the Italian explorer ChristopherColumbus really discover America? It'sbelieved that travelers from China got therefirst. They crossed the Pacific to Mexico inthe fifth century. In fact, Columbus landed inthe Bahamas in 1492 and never got to NorthAmerica. America was not even named afterChristopher Columbus. It was named afterAmerigo Vespucci, who landed in America inthe late fifteenth century。

     真的是意大利探险家克里斯多弗.哥伦布发现美洲的吗?一般相信来自中国的旅行者最先到达那里。他们在第五世纪时即横渡太平洋到了墨西哥。事实上,哥伦布在1 4 9 2 年登陆巴哈马群岛,但却未曾到达北美洲。美洲甚至不是以克里斯多弗.哥伦布的名字命名的。它是以在1 5世纪末登陆美洲的亚美利哥.维斯浦奇的名字命名的。 
