
Let's take a look at what people have to say on the judgment from Li's first trial. These are from Sina microblog, China's most popular Twitter-like service.
One blogger says the judgment is too much for a juvenile. Li should be brought to justice, but not because he is rich and his parents are celebrities
Another calls the judgment a victory of law, and the law’s justice should be based on facts, not the collective outrage from the public, who resent the rich and privileged. Li’s parents failed to teach their son how to be a citizen.
This blogger says that if Li’s parents showed the right attitude and helped their son acknowledge the offence from the beginning, instead of trying to point fingers at the victim and provoking a public outrage, maybe the judge would have considered a lesser term in prison.
And from another: long-term indulgence is the biggest culprit leading to today’s result. Li is a spoiled juvenile, which to some extent reflects the misguided values of rich people’s family education.
