英语小达人 141 Flawless English(在线收听

   Flawless English

  An African chieftain flew to the United States to visit the president. When he arrived at the airport, a host of newsmen and television cameramen met him. One of the reporters asked the chief if he had a comfortable flight.
  The chief made a series of weird noises..."Screech, scratch, honk, buzz, whistle, Z-Z-Z-Z" and then added in perfect English, "Yes, I had a very nice flight."
  Another reporter asked, "Chief, do you plan to visit the Washington Monument while you're in the areas."
  The chief made the same noises..."Screech, scratch, honk, buzz, whistle, Z-Z-Z-Z" and then said, "Yes, and I also plan to visit the White House and the Capital Building."
  "Where did you learn to speak such flawless English?" asked the next reporter.
  The chief replied, "Screech, scratch, honk, buzz, whistle, Z-Z-Z-Z... from the short-wave radio."