
Olympic flame is continuing its journey across the north of Russia, as it winds its way to the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.


On Wednesday, the flame arrived by air in the northern port city of Murmansk after stopping in St. Petersburg over the weekend and the Baltic enclave of Kaliningrad. World biathlon champion Sergey Rozhkov capped off the torch relay through Murmansk by lighting the city’s flame cauldron.


The Olympic flame was in Murmansk earlier this month, on its way to the North Pole as part of Russia’s record-long winter Olympic torch relay.

奥运圣火本月初抵达摩尔曼斯克,现正前往北极。奥运圣火将首次抵达北极 ,俄罗斯冬奥会圣火传递创纪录了!
