名人励志英语演讲 第149期:感觉失败及寻找幸福(11)(在线收听

   And what I've found is that difficulties come when you don't pay attention to life's whisper, because life always whispers to you first. And if you ignore the whisper, sooner or later you'll get a scream. Whatever you resist persists. But, if you ask the right question--not why is this happening, but what is this here to teach me. What is this here to teach me?--it puts you in the place and space to get the lesson you need.

  My friend Eckhart Tolle, who's written this wonderful book called A New Earth that's all about letting the awareness of who you are stimulate everything that you do, he puts it like this: He says, "Don't react against a bad situation; merge with that situation instead. And the solution will arise from the chalenge. Because surrendering yourself doesn't mean giving up; it means acting with responsibility.
  Okay, many of you know that, as President Hennessy said, I started this school in Africa. And I founded the school, where I'm trying to give South African girls a shot at a future like yours-- Stanford. And I spent five years making sure that school would be as beautiful as the students. I wanted every girl to feel her worth reflected in her surroundings. So I checked every blueprint, I picked every pillow. I was looking at the grout in between the bricks. I knew every thread count of the sheets. I chose every girl from the villages, from nine provinces. And yet, last fall, I was faced with a crisis I had never anticipated. I was told that one of the dorm matrons was supected of sexual abuse.