

MOSCOW, Jan. 15 (Xinhua) -- Russian authorities have beefed up security in the run-up of Sochi Winter Olympics which is scheduled on Feb. 7-23, yet these measures should not stop after the Games conclude, a security expert has said.

  "The measures undertaken have tightened anti-terror regime both in and around Sochi," said Josef Linder, president of the International Counter-terror Training Association, referring to a presidential order signed on Jan. 7 to increase security measures for airlines, railways, as well as in the regions close to Sochi.
  "For the time remaining before the Games, the Russian law enforcement agencies -- FSB (Federal Security Service), the interior ministry and other special services -- will stay on high alert," he told Xinhua in a recent interview.
  Noting the government was "humiliated" by a twin terror attacks in the city of Volgograd, which happened on the eve of New Year holidays and left 34 dead, Linder said it was one of the government's priorities not to let any similar incidents occur during the upcoming Games.
  Shortly after the terror attacks, Russian President Putin pledged that the government would fight terrorists "certainly, fiercely and consistently until they are all destroyed."
  Meanwhile, providing 100-percent terror-proof security in the country is not only a domestic affair, as the Olympic Games are one of the largest international events, Linder said.
  "Moscow is at odds with some countries over many global issues, " said the expert. "So any failure in domestic policy is used by those countries to add weight to their own positions. This is why Russia as a host country for the Olympics must do all it can to prevent any accidents during the Games."
  Those measures, he said, should remain in force even after the Games, because fighting terrorism is a long-term objective.
  He added that the measures should combine anti-terror operations by law enforcement agencies with sustainable social- economic development of the regions where terrorists recruit their members.
  "Terrorism can not be defeated by force only. The government must create social-economic conditions which prevent enlistment of new members into those organizations ... As soon as terrorism organizations are left without social soil, they lose the ability to carry out terror attacks," Linder said.