Five Digital Camera Mistakes(在线收听

Five Digital Camera Mistakes


by Vance Fry


Everyone who buys a digital camera starts out as a digicam newbie. Avoid these five blunders and you won’t look like a newbie for long



Mistake 1: Not learning the equipment


Digital cameras are expensive, feature-loaded photographic tools. Yet many new owners toss the user’s manual aside and stick to the camera’s “dummy mode” — the general-purpose setting in which the camera makes the exposure decisions for you. If you can find your manual, dust it off and do some homework on your camera’s capabilities. First lesson: Study each of the scene settings on your mode dial. These settings give your camera more information about what kind of picture you want to take, allowing it to make decisions that work best for that situation. Next, experiment with the manual settings. Understanding how to properly set the aperture and shutter speed will enable you to take the best pictures possible in difficult lighting conditions.


Mistake 2: Using low quality settings


Many new users discover that the lower resolution settings allow them to fit more photographs on a memory card. However, they’ll often be disappointed at the quality of their pictures when they later decide to make prints. Always use your camera’s highest quality settings. High-resolution (high-res) photographs with minimal compression allow you to make great-looking enlargements of special memories — like that one-in-a-million shot when Uncle Ralph actually smiled.


Mistake 3: Using digital zoom


Your camera’s digital zoom feature is a gimmick that simply crops your picture to a closer view, lowering the resolution of the final image. Limit yourself to the lens — the optical zoom — to move in on the action. (Of course you can always employ the old-fashioned method of just using your feet to move closer to your subject.) If you still want to crop the picture, you can easily do so on your computer in a basic photo-editing program like Photoshop Elements or ACDSee. Note that using low-resolution settings will not allow you much freedom to crop an image. High-res files work best.

Vocabulary Focus

blunder (n) [5blQndE] a big mistake, usually caused by lack of care or thought

do one’s homework (idiom) to make careful preparations so that one knows all one needs to know about something and is able to deal with it successfully

manual (adj) [5mAnjuEl] describes operations done by a user, rather than automatically by a machine or electronic device

gimmick (n) [5^imik] something that is not serious or of real value used to attract people’s attention or interest, especially to get them to buy something


Specialized Terms

digicam (n) 数码相机(简称) an abbreviated name for a digital camera, one that encodes and stores an image digitally rather than on photographic film

exposure (n) 曝光度 the amount of light—measured in both brightness and duration—that is allowed to reach the film in a traditional camera or the image sensor in a digital camera

mode dial (n) 调整模式旋钮 a device on a camera that one moves in order to control or adjust the different settings

aperture (n) 光圈 a small and often narrow opening, especially one that allows light into a camera

resolution (n) 分辨率;显像度 the level of detail that can be seen in an image based on the number of pixels used to create the image

compression (n) 压缩 the reduction in size of a digital document so that it takes less time to transmit or so that it occupies less space when stored












你的相机的数码变焦功能只是剪裁相片以拉近取景的小机关;它会降低最终影像的分辨率(译者注:数码变焦意为切下画面中的一部分直接放大,因此画质会较差)。让自己只用镜头,即光学变焦,来拉近取景(当然你总是可采用移动双脚去靠近目标的老法子)。如果你还是想要剪裁相片,可以很轻松地在电脑上用基本图片编辑软件如Photoshop Elements ACDSee来执行。要知道,若照相时设定低分辨率,那剪裁影像的空间将会受限。高解度档案效果最佳。
